
Read Marketing Myopia, an article written in 1960 by Theodore Levitt and published in the Harvard Business Review.  Read and consider the ideas suggested by the author.  Do you agree or disagree with the arguments given?  Are his ideas relevant today?  What are the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments presented?  The goal of this assignment is for you to critically assess the ideas suggested by the author using your own knowledge and experience to justify your position.
Clarity of argument while having a focused, concise presentation is key to your success in this assignment. The main themes put forward by the author should be addressed, providing a critical analysis of the hypothesis and the data used to support it. 
The critique should include an introductory paragraph briefly summarizing the article, body and a concluding paragraph briefly summarizing your position on the value, accuracy and relevance of the article. This assignment should draw from additional readings, your past learnings, and your experiences. 
These criteria must be met when submitting your article critique
All materials must be referenced using APA style. Efforts to reference academic sources located through the library is encouraged. 

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