CM/310 CM310 CM 310 UNIT 6 QUIZ



Question :

Emotions are:


Student Answer:


 destructive during conflicts



 neither “good” or “bad;” they just “are”



 simple to regulate










Question 2.

Question :

Self-protective emotions are associated with:


Student Answer:


 The right hemisphere of the brain



 The left hemisphere of the brain



 Physical triggers



 Destructive individuals



 Our identities




Question 3.

Question :

Lori traditionally hosts Thanksgiving at her house for 10-15 of her relatives.  Rarely do any of the guests help out with dinner, clean up dishes, or even say “Thank you.”  This has been going on for so long that she resents hosting the dinner at all.  So, this year she assigned each person to bring a food or do a particular task.  A few guests opted out, but the remainder came to dinner, and everyone (including Lori) had a good time.  According to your text, Lori’s anger served one of many important functions:


Student Answer:


 Seeking revenge



 Righting a wrong



 Setting boundaries



 Giving her a wake-up call



 Being selfish




Question 4.

Question :

__________ are more likely than __________ to cover up anger.


Student Answer:


















Question 5.

Question :

During a year-long divorce and custody dispute, Patrick started calling his soon-to-be ex-wife terrible names in front of their children and her friends.  In response, Becky called Patrick’s employer and told them what a terrible person Patrick is.  Events such as these went on for months.  These behaviors wrecked the couple’s chance for collaboration because each person was operating on which part of the “intensity continuum”?


Student Answer:


 Unexpressed conflict



 Moderately expressed conflict



 Unrestrained conflict










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