
Accounting Homework Help

Accounting Homework Help

You are considering an investment in Firm A and want to evaluatethe firms free cash flow (FCF). From income statement, you see thatFirm A earned an EBIT of $200 million , tax rate is 20%, and itsdepreciation expense was $75 million. Firm A's gross fixed assetsincreased by $60 million from 2014 to 2015. The firms currentassets decreased by $10 million and spontaneous current liabilitiesincreased by $6 million from 2014 to 2015. What is Firm A'soperation Cash flow (OCF), investment in operating capital, andfree cash flow (FCF) for 2015, respectively in millions?

Other / Other
16 Oct 2017
Due Date: 16 Oct 2017

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