
Business Management Homework Help

Business Management Homework Help

Press Releases critique

Locate an example of a press release when your company announced good news, such as a new product, notable executive hire, expansion, strong financial results, or an industry award.Any professional releases.  

Analyze the release using the bullets below as your guide.  Write about one bullet from each key section.  You are not changing the news release, you are commenting/critiquing the finished product on what was done well, and what wasn't. 

This paper should be 1-2 pages, carefully crafted and edited to demonstrate your critical eye for clear, clean writing and heightened awareness of content and tone.  

Start with a main idea (begin with the end in mind)

Be clear and concise
Identify the single most important message before you start writing

Provide necessary details and explanation

Explain your point completely to eliminate any confusion or lingering doubts
Maintain a supportive tone throughout
Embed negative statements in positive context or balance them with positive alternatives
Talk favorably about the choices the customer has made

End with a courteous close

Let your readers know you have their potential wellbeing in mind
If further action is required, tell the readers how to proceed and encourage them to act promptly

Be mindful of the 3 step writing process we learned earlier (below).  Did they follow the process "guidelines"? Include your thoughts...

1.  Plan

Analyze the situation
Gather information
Select the right medium
Organize the Information
2.  Write

Adapt to your audience - sensitivity, "you” attitude, politeness, positive emphasis, and bias-free language
Compose the message - respectful and businesslike, plain English and appropriate voice/tense and punctuation
3.  Complete

Revise the message
Produce the message
Proofread the message
Distribute the message
Other / Other
20 May 2017

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