JRNL 1160 Week 6 Assignment | Kwantlen Polytechnic University

JRNL 1160 Week 6 Assignment | Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Week 6 Homework (due EOD Thursday, February 23)

WEEK 6 HOMEWORK (due EOD Thursday, February 23)

This week, we talked a lot about the importance of telling stories in journalism. Yes, the role of journalists is to inform people with as many facts and as much information as possible, covering as many different angles of an issue as possible (in order to not presented a biased or slanted perspective). But telling stories is inevitably a big part of the role of a journalist too. Our job is to go talk to ordinary people and to tell their stories, through their eyes. Please refer to the summary note I posted on the Week 6 module here on Moodle. 

And with that, here is the homework assignment for this week: 


Think of an issue that matters to YOU. Something that hits close to home. That feels personal and important to you. Tell me about that issue. How would you tell a story about it? Who would you talk to? Where is the first place that you would look? Who is the first person you would reach out to? Tell me how you would go about telling that story. 


Your answer can be short, < 200 words. That is fine. It can be in note form as well, if you prefer, or in a paragraph or two. Make sure to start by telling me what the story that matters to you is. Then, tell me, as a journalist, how you would go about telling that story...how you would start. I want to see what your process would be! 

There are no right or wrong answers. The point of this exercise is (a) to come up with an idea (often the hardest part of being a journalist and (b) to map out how you will go about telling your story (the second hardest part)! 

Please submit your answers as a Word document, so I can make comments where I feel it is necessary to do so. I am really excited to see what you come up with! 

PS: I owe you a point on your Week 4 assignments. I will get to those, and the midterm grades, well before our next class. Note that our homework assignments are mostly for YOU. They get a point upon completion. But the midterm will actually get a grade, out of 25. Please reach out to me if any of that is unclear! 

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