JRNL 1220 Week 6 Quiz | Kwantlen Polytechnic University

JRNL 1220 Week 6 Quiz | Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Question 1

"Do you think you've done a good job as premier?" is an example of what kind of interviewing no-no?

·         Double-barrelled question

·         Showing off

·         Close-ended question

·         Trigger words


Question 2

"Why did you decide to become an Olympic athlete? When did you first realize you could do it?" is an example of what kind of interviewing no-no?

·         Trigger words

·         Close-ended question

·         Showing off

·         Double-barrelled question


Question 3

The rule of thirds in making videos means...

·         You should take all shots at three distances (far, medium and close-up)

·         You should stand three feet away from the subject you're interviewing

·         Divide the screen like a tic-tac-toe board and position subjects where the lines intersect

·         Your recording should be one-third interviews, one-third stand-ups and one-third footage


Question 4

An interview is a conversation.

·         True

·         False


Question 5


You should do your best to avoid "dead air" during an interview. When someone stops talking, make sure you're ready right away with your next question.




Question 6

You shouldn't write down a list of questions before an interview because it might prevent you from really listening to what the interview subject is saying.




Question 7

It's always best to take video in natural light outside, instead of inside, even on a cloudy day.

·         True

·         False


Question 8

You should use pans and zooms in your video because it gives viewers a sense of action and movement.

·         True

·         False


Question 9

You can only record an phone interview if you have the other person's permission.

·         True

·         False


Question 10

One of the keys to making a good video is, before you start shooting, to think about the story you want to tell and what kind of footage you need to tell that story.

·         True

·         False

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