SCI 335 Week 1 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University

SCI 335 Week 1 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University

Week 2 - Test Chapter 1

Question 1

Which of the following lists best illustrates the idea of increasing levels of complexity?    

·         cells, tissues, organelles, organs, systems  

·         tissues, cells, organs, organelles, systems  

·         organs, organelles, systems, cells, tissues  

·         organelles, cells, tissues, organs, systems


Question 2

An investigator who conducts an experiment to determine how the rate at which the heart beats is affected by temperature changes is most likely to be a(n)    

·         anatomist.  

·         physiologist.  

·         chemist.  

·         biochemist.


Question 3

A section that separates the body into right and left portions would be a    

·         frontal section  

·         transverse section.  

·         coronal section.  

·         sagittal section.


Question 4

The membrane on the surface of a lung is called the    

·         visceral pleura.  

·         parietal pleura.  

·         visceral pericardium.  

·         parietal pericardium.


Question 5

When the body is placed in the anatomical position, which of the following is not true?   

·         The face is forward.  

·         The arms are at the sides.  

·         The palms are facing backward.  

·         The body is erect.


Question 6

Homeostasis is defined as the    

·         ability of human beings to keep body weight within normal limits.  

·         maintenance of a constant external temperature inside a room.  

·         ingestion of enough food to keep hunger pains from developing.  

·         tendency of the body to maintain a stable environment.


Question 7

Homeostasis is a condition whereby body parts function efficiently only when the concentrations of water, food substances, and oxygen, and the conditions of heat and pressure    

·         remain perfectly static and do not vary.  

·         remain within certain limited ranges.  

·         never go up or down.  

·         fluctuate greatly between very high and low values.


Question 8

A mechanism functioning to maintain a stable internal environment is most likely to involve    

·         positive feedback.  

·         negative feedback. 

·         a vicious circle.  

·         None of these are correct.


Question 9

Which of the following is not an example of a homeostatic mechanism?    

·         shivering when body temperature falls below normal limits  

·         increasing heart rate and contraction force when blood pressure fails  

·         pulling blankets over yourself when cold at night

·         secreting insulin after a meal to decrease blood sugar concentration


Question 10

A blood clot stimulating the formation of more blood clotting is an example of    

·         positive feedback.  

·         negative feedback.  

·         homeostasis.  

·         a vital sign.


Question 11

How is oxygen used by living organisms?    

·         It controls the amount of heat produced.  

·         It is a source of energy.  

·         It is used to release energy that is stored in food.  

·         It is part of water and is necessary to keep organisms hydrated.


Question 12

Of the items listed, which is not required for the maintenance of life?    

·         water  

·         food   

·         carbon dioxide  

·         pressure


Question 13

Which of the following characteristics of life and their descriptions are correct?    

·         assimilation-obtaining and using oxygen for releasing energy from food substances  

·         responsiveness-ability of an organism to sense changes taking place inside or outside its body and to react to these changes  

·         respiration-changing of absorbed substances into forms that are chemically different from those that entered the body fluids   

·         circulation-the movement of the body as a whole through the halls of a hospital


Question 14

Which of the following processes is not concerned with maintaining the life of an adult organism?   

·         responsiveness  

·         movement  

·         reproduction  

·         metabolism


Question 15

Which of the following is an example of an environmental factor or need of an organism?    

·         carbon dioxide  

·         water  

·         wastes   

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