MGMT 210 Week 6 Discussion 1 | Devry University

MGMT 210 Week 6 Discussion 1 | Devry University

Week 6: Employee Engagement

PTC is one of the world's largest software companies and employee engagement is one of its primary corporate goals. The company strives to appreciate and recognize employees by making sure that their jobs are meaningful and aligned with the company's corporate goals. PTC offers career development, such as in terms of management development, coaching, and team building. A corporate framework allows employees to see where they are in their current jobs and what they need to do to be in the jobs they aspire to, creating visible and viable career paths within the organization. In addition, employees receive ongoing feedback from the organization, so the employee is always kept in the information and decision-making loop. Based on the following, Chapter 10 Video: PTC: Employee Engagement, answer the questions below:

1.    What is PTC doing to manage employee engagement?

2.    What other suggestions would you make for further improving employee engagement?


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