
BUS/371 BUS371 BUS 371Chapter 2—The Evolution of Management Thinking PART 6

BUS/371 BUS371 BUS 371Chapter 2—The Evolution of Management Thinking PART 6

41.	The findings provided by the Hawthorne Studies provided the impetus for the ____, despite flawed methodology or inaccurate conclusions.
a.	classical perspective
b.	humanistic perspective
c.	scientific management
d.	bureaucratic organizations
e.	contingency perspective

	42.	The human resources perspective of management links motivation theories with ____.
a.	top management
b.	employee tasks
c.	floor managers
d.	efficiencies
e.	profit maximization

	43.	A "dairy farm" view of management, i.e., contented cows give more milk, so satisfied workers will give more work was espoused by
a.	human relations management.
b.	human resource perspective.
c.	behavioral science approach.
d.	management science perspective.
e.	none of these.

	44.	Maslow's hierarchy of needs started with which of these needs?
a.	Esteem
b.	Love
c.	Safety
d.	Physiological
e.	Belongingness

	45.	Tommy believes his employees are responsible, creative, and able to work with minimal direction. He is a
a.	Theory X manager.
b.	Theory Y manager.
c.	Theory Z manager.
d.	Theory A manager.
e.	contingency theory manager.

	46.	Beth Brant, production supervisor at Trustworthy Tools Mfg., Inc. believes that her employees dislike work, avoid responsibility, and therefore they need to be controlled and directed. Beth is a
a.	Theory X manager.
b.	Theory Y manager.
c.	realistic manager.
d.	Theory Z manager.
e.	Theory J manager.

	47.	According to Douglas McGregor, the classical perspective on management is consistent with which of the following?
a.	Theory X manager
b.	Theory Y manager
c.	Theory Z manager
d.	Theory A manager
e.	None of these

	48.	The behavioral sciences approach is based on which of the following disciplines?
a.	Anthropology
b.	Economics
c.	Sociology
d.	Psychology
e.	All of these

	49.	Organizational development is one specific set of management techniques based in the ____ approach.
a.	management science
b.	systems theory
c.	behavioral sciences
d.	scientific management
e.	quantitative

	50.	The management science perspective emerged after World War II to treat problems associated with
a.	modern global warfare.
b.	environmental issues.
c.	employee involvement.
d.	Germany.
e.	improving manufacturing.

	51.	The management science perspective applies all of the following to managerial problems EXCEPT
a.	statistics.
b.	qualitative techniques.
c.	mathematics.
d.	quantitative techniques.
e.	all of these are correct.

	52.	Operations research grew out of World War II groups and is based on ____.
a.	group dynamics
b.	employees in crisis
c.	production in turbulent times
d.	mathematical equations
e.	a humanistic approach

	53.	The teamwork philosophy is based in part on the assumption that five people working together can produce more than five people working individually. This philosophy is consistent with the concept of
a.	transformation.
b.	entropy.
c.	synergy.
d.	feedback.
e.	quality.

	54.	10 + 10 = 25 reflects which of these?
a.	Entropy
b.	Synergy
c.	Open system
d.	Closed system
e.	Weberian math

	55.	In ____ every situation is viewed as unique.
a.	a universalist view
b.	a contingency view
c.	a case view
d.	scientific management view
e.	None of these

	56.	It is often difficult to make decisions about subsystems, because they are ____.
a.	interdependent
b.	independent
c.	managed differently
d.	filled with employees
e.	organizationally based

	57.	In order to determine how to deal with a problem employee, Sharon evaluated the employee, the problem, and the context in which the problem occurred. She is applying which of the following perspectives?
a.	Participative view
b.	Universalist view
c.	Autonomy view
d.	Contingency view
e.	Humanist view

	58.	A consultant who recommends the effectiveness of sensitivity training to every organization he serves is violating the basics of which of the following perspectives?
a.	Efficiency perspective
b.	Universalist perspective
c.	Contingency perspective
d.	Scientific management perspective
e.	Quantitative perspective

	59.	Which of the following is often considered the "father of the quality movement?"
a.	Weber
b.	Gilbreth
c.	Follett
d.	Deming
e.	Gehrke

	60.	____ focuses on managing the whole organization to deliver quality to customers.
a.	Bureaucracy
b.	Theory Z
c.	Management-by-objective
d.	Total Quality Management
e.	Organization-customer relationship

Other / Other
17 Nov 2016

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  1. Genius

    BUS/371 BUS371 BUS 371Chapter 2—The Evolution of Management Thinking PART 6

    41. The findings provided by the Hawthorne Studies provided the impetus for the ____, despite flawed ****** ******
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