
BUS/371 BUS371 BUS 371Chapter 2—The Evolution of Management Thinking PART 4

BUS/371 BUS371 BUS 371Chapter 2—The Evolution of Management Thinking PART 4


	1.	A(n) ____ perspective provides a broader way of thinking, a way of searching for patterns and determining whether they recur across time periods.
a.	analytical
b.	futuristic
c.	systematic
d.	methodical
e.	historical

	2.	____ forces refer to those aspects of a culture that guide and influence relationships among people.
a.	Social
b.	Political
c.	Economic
d.	Technological
e.	Legal

	3.	Which of these forces comprises unwritten, common rules and perceptions about relationships?
a.	Economic forces
b.	Political forces
c.	Social forces
d.	Legal forces
e.	Personal forces

	4.	Which of these forces pertain to the availability, production, and distribution of resources in a society?
a.	Social
b.	Political
c.	Economic
d.	Technological
e.	Legal

	5.	Strong anti-American sentiments in many parts of the world exemplify the effect of
a.	economic forces.
b.	political forces.
c.	demographic forces.
d.	technological forces.
e.	human relations forces.

	6.	According to the Manager's Shoptalk of chapter 2, which of the following is not in the top five contemporary management tools?
a.	Collaborative innovation
b.	Mission and vision statements
c.	Benchmarking
d.	Strategic planning
e.	Customer relationship management

	7.	According to the Manager's Shoptalk of chapter 2, Indian executives are more likely to use tools such as
a.	customer segmentation and business process reengineering.
b.	consumer ethnography and corporate blogs.
c.	strategic alliances and collaborative innovation.
d.	activity-based management and virtual teams.
e.	scenario planning and lean operations.

	8.	____ is the most current management perspective.
a.	Total quality management
b.	Contingency views
c.	Systems theory
d.	Open (collaborative) innovation
e.	Classical perspective

	9.	The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw the development of which management perspective?
a.	The human relations movement
b.	The behavioral sciences approach
c.	The classical perspective
d.	The quantitative management approach
e.	The TQM approach

	10.	Which of these perspectives emphasized a rational, scientific approach to the study of management and sought to make organizations efficient operating machines?
a.	The Humanistic Perspective
b.	The Behavioral Sciences Approach
c.	The Classical Perspective
d.	The TQM approach
e.	The Quantitative Management Approach

	11.	Which of these is a subfield of the classical management perspective that emphasized scientifically determined changes in management practices as the solution to improving labor productivity?
a.	The human relations movement
b.	The behavioral sciences approach
c.	The TQM approach
d.	The quantitative management approach
e.	The scientific management movement

	12.	Frank Gilbreth felt that efficiency equated with ____.
a.	one best way to do work
b.	leadership flows from the top down
c.	procedures and policies
d.	scientific management
e.	bureaucracy

	13.	Who is considered the "first lady of management?"
a.	Mary Parker Follett
b.	Lillian Gilbreth
c.	Carly Fiorona
d.	Maxine Weber
e.	Anne Adams

	14.	The three subfields of the classical perspective include
a.	quantitative management, behavioral science, and administrative management.
b.	bureaucratic organization, quantitative management, and the human relations movement.
c.	administrative management, bureaucratic organization, and scientific management.
d.	scientific management, quantitative management, and administrative management.
e.	none of these.

	15.	____ is considered the "father of scientific management."
a.	Frank B. Gilbreth
b.	Elton Mayo
c.	Henry Gantt
d.	Douglas McGregor
e.	Frederick W. Taylor

	16.	Which of the following is a bar graph that measures planned and completed work along each stage of production by time elapsed?
a.	Time and Work chart
b.	Gantt chart
c.	Time and Motion chart
d.	Production and Delivery chart
e.	Gilbreth chart

	17.	Frederick Taylor's contributions were in the field of
a.	scientific management.
b.	human resource management.
c.	human relations.
d.	quantitative management.
e.	total quality management.

	18.	Which of the following is not a criticism of scientific management?
a.	It does not appreciate the social context of work.
b.	It does not appreciate the higher needs of workers.
c.	It does not appreciate the careful study of tasks and jobs.
d.	It does not acknowledge variance among individuals.
e.	It tends to regard workers as uninformed and ignored their ideas and suggestions.

	19.	Standardization of work and wage incentives are characteristics of
a.	bureaucratic organizations.
b.	scientific management.
c.	quantitative management.
d.	administrative management.
e.	behavioral science.

	20.	Which of these is a major criticism of scientific management?
a.	It ignored the social context of work.
b.	It ignored the impact of compensation on performance.
c.	It overemphasized individual differences.
d.	It overemphasized the intelligence of workers.
e.	It emphasized the social context of work.

Other / Other
17 Nov 2016

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  1. Genius

    BUS/371 BUS371 BUS 371Chapter 2—The Evolution of Management Thinking PART 4

    MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A(n) ____ perspective provides a broader way of thinking, a way of searching ****** ******
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