
An example of a tangible product, rather than a service, would be

An example of a tangible product, rather than a service, would be 

1.	IfphysicalobservationcanNOTbeusedtoidentifytheexactamountofresourcesconsumedbyacostobject,thenextbestapproachis
a.	drivertracing.
b.	allocation.
c.	estimation.
d.	noneofthese.

2.	Servicesdifferfromtangibleproductsinwhichofthefollowingdimensions?
a.	intangibility
b.	inseparability
c.	perishability
d.	alloftheabove

3.	Withregardstoproducts,perishabilitycanbedefinedas
a.	buyersofproductswhocannotsee,feel,hearortastetheproductbeforeitisbought.
b.	servicesthatcannotbestored.
c.	buyersandsellerswhomustbeindirectcontactforthesaletotakeplace.
d.	buyersoftheproductwhodonotneeddirectcontactwiththemanufactureroftheproduct.

4.	Intangibilityofservicesmeansthat
a.	productscannotbeseen,tasted,heardorfeltbeforethepurchase.
b.	productscannotbestored.
c.	exchangetakesplaceindirectcontact.
d.	bothaandc.

5.	An example of a tangible product, rather than a service, would be 
a.	housekeeping.
b.	insurancecoverage.
c.	paper.
d.	medicalexam.

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27 May 2016

Answers (1)

  1. Genius

    An example of a tangible product, rather than a service, would be

    An example of a tangible product, rather than a service, would be ****** ******
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