
A(n) ______ is a graph of a cumulative d

11. A(n) ______ is a graph of a cumulative distribution. 
A. Histogram
B. Scatter plot
C. Ogive plot
D. Pie Chart


12. ________ can be used to study the relationship between two variables. 
A. Crosstabulation tables
B. Frequency tables
C. Cumulative frequency distributions
D. Dot plots


13. Row or column percentages can be found in: 
A. Frequency tables
B. Relative frequency tables
C. Crosstabulation tables
D. Cumulative frequency tables


14. All of the following are used to describe quantitative data except the 
A. Histogram
B. Stem and Leaf
C. Dot Plot
D. Pie Chart


15. An observation separated from the rest of the data is a(n) 
A. Absolute extreme
B. Outlier
C. Mode
D. Quartile


16. Which of the following graphs is for qualitative data? 
A. Histogram
B. Bar Chart
C. Ogive plot
D. Stem and leaf


17. A plot of the values of two variables is a _____ plot. 
A. Runs
B. Scatter
C. Dot
D. Ogive plot


18. A Stem and Leaf display is best used to 
A. Provide a point estimate of the variability of the data set.
B. Provide a point estimate of the central tendency of the data set.
C. Display the shape of the distribution.
D. None of the above.


19. When grouping a large sample of items into classes, the ______________ is a better tool than the ___________. 
A. Histogram, stem and leaf display
B. Box plot, histogram
C. Stem and Leaf display, scatter plot
D. Scatter plot, box plot


20. A ______________ displays the frequency of each group with qualitative data and a _____________ displays the frequency of each group with quantitative data. 
A. Histogram, stem and leaf display
B. Bar chart, histogram
C. Scatter plot, bar chart
D. Stem and leaf, pie chart

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Other / Other
01 Feb 2018
Due Date: 01 Feb 2018

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