56 An acquisition may be canceled because of any of the following except
A Antitrust action
B Unusually high premium on stock price
C. Lawsuit brought by stockholders
D. Disapproval of the target company's management
57. Which of the following is a characteristic of an unfriendly takeover?
A. Usually high premium on stock price
B. An unacceptable suitor attempts to buy out the target company
C. The White Knight may succeed in rescuing the target company
D. All of the above
58. In a merger, a white knight is
A. A helpful investment banker that makes sure the merger is successful
B. A third company that buys the acquisition target before an unwanted suitor can
C. An investor who pays a high price to buy at least five percent of the shares of the acquisition target
D. A commercial banker that provides a guarantee that the financing for the merger will be available
59. New stock issues are considered a special investment situation because
A. They exhibit a very good long-term investment potential
B. The spread is greater than that in the secondary market
C. There is some evidence that new issues are under-priced
D. More than one of the above
60. All of the following are reasons why an investment banker may under-price a new stock issue except
A. To stimulate demand for the issue
B. To reduce unwanted inventory
C. To insure adequate demand in the secondary market
D. None of the above

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