JUS 110 WEEK 2

Deterring Crime
JUS-110 week 2
Write an essay of 500-750 words describing which type of deterrence you would employ to prevent shootings at school facilities. Apply both the trait theory and the choice theory of crime in your design.
In the essay, designate what position you would hold (academic, consultant, school superintendent, sheriff/police chief, mayor, etc.) that would allow you to make and/or implement your proposals and address the political and public policy implications, if any, that could arise from the actions included in your proposals.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

Here are the hints for the Mod 2 paper, which is my favorite assignment in the class, since I am an old Crime  Prevention Officer.  This is an assignment which is very timely, given the school shooting incidents we hear about so oftren.
1.  Read the instructions carefully.  In past classes, the students  that have had the most trouble with the assignment have apparently  not  read or followed the instructions.
2.  Remember your GOVT 101 or other government class from univesity or even high school work.  You must understand and apply the organization and authority of local government entities to successfully complete this assignment.
3.  You may do this paper in the form of a memo, with DATE, FROM, TO,  AND SUBJECT lines,  instead of an essay (letter, actually). If you want to write it as an  essay/letter, that is okay, but I think it will save you a lot of work if you  use the memo format and make it clearer what proposals you are making  and what theory applies to each proposal.  APA still applies, including documenting any sources you use, but a  memo, with a list of your proposals, may be easier for you to write. (NOTE:  Memo format is normally used WITHIN an organization, while a formal letter is the norm for correspondence BETWEEN organizations, so take this into consideration when you are deciding who you will be, who you are making the proposal to, and what format you should use.)
4.  Pick a title for yourself that will give you credibility to state  what you are proposing; not just anyone can make a proposal like this  and expect to have it implemented by the powers that be (hint: the school janitor is not a credible source).  Pick a  realistic title for whom the memo should be addressed to (hint:  again, the  school janitor is not the correct recipient), reflecting the  governmental organization in your local community (i.e., is your school district a municipal corporation or it is part of the city or county governmental organization?).
 In fact, I will make it easy for you.  Play the role of the School District Security Officer, and address your proposal to the School Superintendent.  
5.  Be sure to label each proposal you make with the theory that it  reflects in parentheses (for individual proposals) or as a section  heading (for groups of proposals using the same theory).  THIS IS MANDATORY!
6.  The topic is the prevention of "shootings at school facilities."   Watch how you define this, as it will affect your proposals.  Also, do  not be so narrow in your focus that you ignore the ability to deter  other types of crime at the same time.

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