Financial Analysis of International Business Machi

We will use the IBM and Whole Foods Annual Reports as background information for discussion this week.
Please, note that you have to review the following IBM and Whole Foods Annual Reports
Review the IBM 2010 Annual Report
Review the IBM 2009 Annual Report
1. Based on the “Financial Information” for the last three years, write a brief summary of the changes in the following variables:
a. Net revenue (also called "Net income")
b. Earnings per share
c. Total assets
d. Stockholders’ equity
2. Divide “Income from continuing operations after taxes” by “Stockholders’ equity” for the last three years.
    Should investors be pleased?

3. Based on your analysis, would you recommend investing in this company's shares? Why or why not?

Now complete the same analysis for Whole Foods:
access the Whole Foods 2010 Annual Report
access the Whole Foods 2009 Annual Report 

Now perform a comparative analysis of the two companies.
1) From a financial standpoint which seems to be the better investment?
2) Where are the environmental and social responsibility activities for each companies listed in their annual reports?
3) Does your investment preference change when you consider environmental and social responsibility criteria?

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