Corporate Social Responsibility

You are to select one peer reviewed journal article in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). For the selected article you are required to write a critical essay examining the methodology- its appropriateness and alternative methodology which could have been used (30%).
Examine the fundamental CSR issue in question and solutions which may resolve or remedy the problem cited in the article. You may want assess the impact on the accounting profession from the article, if applicable possible changes to the profession as a result of the research?  (50%).
Structure, critical analysis, evaluation, research in essay, bibliography and internal referencing (Harvard referencing style).  (20%).
Each student has to submit their chosen article (via email) to the module leader by the very latest week 10. You must provide the title of the essay, dates, authors etc like:
Eg. The Amendment of IAS 39: Determinants of Reclassification Behavior and Capital Market Consequences.By: Paananen, Mari; Renders, Annelies; Shima, Kim M. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance. Mar2012, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p208-235. 28p. Business Source Complete
 No two students are allowed to be examining the same article.
You have had a formal session and guidance on plagiarism. Breach of the University- guidelines on Plagiarism will be reported without hesitation. Punishment includes suspension for up to one year- you have been warned.
Assessment Grades
All assessed work for the module will be given a grade. These grades are awarded according to the following general criteria. However, it is indicative and not meant to be restricted and rigidly adhered to. It will assist you with assessments 1 and 3.
A+	An exceptional first	Work which fulfils all the criteria of the A grade, but at an exceptional standard for the level concerned.
A	A good first	Work of distinguished quality which is based on extensive research and/or strongtechnical and creative competence. An authoritative grasp of concepts, methodology and content appropriate to the subject/discipline and to the assessment task will be demonstrated. There is clear evidence of originality and insight and an ability to sustain an argument and/or solve discipline-related problems, based on critical analysis and/or evaluation. The ability to synthesise material effectively and the potential for skilled innovation in thinking and practice will be evident. Capability in relation to relevant key skills for the assessment task will also be strongly evidenced.
A-	A first	Work of very good quality which displays most, but not all of the A grade characteristics for the level concerned.
B+	A high upper second	Work which clearly fulfils all the criteria of the B grade for the level concerned, but shows greater insight and/or originality.
B	A good upper second	Work of good quality which is based on a wide range of properly referenced sources and/or creative input, demonstrating a sound and above average level of understandingof concepts, methodology and content appropriate to the subject/discipline and to the assessment task. There is clear evidence of critical judgement in selecting, ordering andanalysing content to construct a sound argument based on responses which reveal occasional insight and/or originality. Ability to solve discipline-related problems will beeffectively and consistently demonstrated, with relevant key skills capability well developed and evidenced.
B-	An upper second	Work of good quality which contains most, but not all of the B grade characteristics for the level concerned.
C+	A high lower second	Work which clearly fulfils all the criteria of the C grade for the level concerned, but shows a greater degree of critical analysis and/or insight.
C	A good lower second	Work of sound quality which is based on satisfactorily referenced sources and/or creative input and which demonstrates a grasp of relevant material and key concepts, together with ability to structure and organise arguments or materials effectively. The work may be rather standard, but will be mostly accurate, clearly communicated and provide some evidence of ability to engage in critical analysis and/or evaluation. There will be no serious omissions or irrelevancies and there will be evidence of generally sound capability in key skills relevant to the task. In dealing with solutions to technical problems, appropriate methods will be chosen.
Final and important note….. Plagiarism is taken very seriously by me and the faculty. Please make sure the work you produce is yours’ and original.

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