Data Sort, Regression

Question 1 Among large donors greater than or equal to 50,000 does the amount of giving tend to increase as the years of involvement with the organization increases? (i.e. is there a correlation between giving and years?). What number do you look at to determine this correlation? Features: Data Sort, Regression Instructions: Sort the data by amount of giving in ascending order by clicking on any cell in the table and selecting Data, Sort, select column E for Giving by choosing that in the Sort By drop-down menu, and sort in Smallest to Largest in the Order drop-down menu. Make sure the regression feature (part of the Data Analysis package) is active in your Excel software. Data Analysis should show up as one of the menu items in the top window bar under the Data heading. If not, you'll have to add it by selecting the File tab in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Select Options at the bottom of the menu, choose Add-Ins, select Analysis Toolpak. Now, at the bottom of the screen, select Go… next to Excel Add-ins. Make sure that Analysis ToolPak is selected and click OK. Once installed, run a regression with years as the independent (x) variable, and giving as the dependent variable (y). Select Data, Data Analysis and then choose Regression from the options. For the y range, highlight the giving amounts of 50,000 and over ($E$217:$E$326); for the x range, highlight the years associated with these amounts ($C$217:$C$326), click on Line fit plots to see a graphic representation of the data, and select OK. Change the style of the chart to X Y (Scatter) by selecting the data on the chart and right-clicking, if not already in this format. Clean up the chart format by changing the labels on the axes to something more informative. The regression results should appear on a new worksheet ply (Sheet 4). Change the column widths so that you can actually see the numbers in the cells. If Significance F is <.05, it is unlikely these results happened purely by chance. The R-square provides an estimate of how much of the variation in giving can be explained by the length of the relationship. The x variable is the slope of the line, and can be interpreted to mean that giving increases by approximately $108,026 for every additional year the donor has a relationship with the organization. Copy and Paste the XY chart on one page, and the basic regression stats on another, showing R-Squared and Significance of F. Do not include all of the datapoints (i.e., the lists of data).

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