MG 495 Week 7 Exam | Assignment Help | Park University

MG 495 Week 7 Exam | Assignment Help | Park University 

Question 1

What are the four elements of the MBO process?


Question 2

What are the four general methods of managing two different cultures?


Question 3

Discuss the three general orientations comprising directional strategy.



Question 4

Which types of controls are recommended for a global MNC versus a multi-domestic MNC?



Question 5

In a dynamic environment, using consensus to arrive at a strategic decision is not recommended. Why? What two techniques can strategic managers use to avoid the consensus trap?


Question 6

Discuss the two basic growth strategies.


Question 7

What is the matrix structure? What are the three conditions which usually exist when the matrix structure is found?.


Question 8

Distinguish between behavior and output controls. Provide examples of each.



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