INF 336 Week 3 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

INF 336 Week 3 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University  

Question 1

Upper (UCL) and lower control limits (LCL):


o   are set by design engineers to a specific product specification.

o   are dependent on a specific process.

o   set by a machine operator based on the daily production requirements.

o   require operator action when the process is  outside normal operating range.

o   are a critical factor in the success of a TQM program.



Question 2

One type of formal service quality evaluation process measures the gap between service expectations along defined dimensions and the perceptions of actual service performance.

o   True

o   False


 Question 3

The purpose of identifying the function of an item to be required is:


o   to provide the mathematics for a suitable inspection program.

o   to assist in the determination of what represents acceptable value.

o   to avoid having to purchase a branded item.

o   to avoid substitution.

o   to avoid engineering-purchasing arguments.






Question 4

A process is capable when:


o   the supplier can predict the future distributions about the mean.

o   common causes are eliminated through process change.

o   it averages a set number of standard deviations within the specifications.

o   it produces the same exact result each time the activity is performed.

o   random causes are detected by statistical process controls and eliminated.



Question 5


o   means agreement on definite sizes, design, and quality.

o   is essentially a marketing and sales concept.

o   is a reduction in the number of sizes and designs.

o   is a selective and commercial problem.

o   is an attempt to concentrate production on the most important sizes.



Question 6

It is unreasonable to expect a supplier to both improve quality and lower costs.


o   True

o   False



Question 7

Determination of the “best  buy” is based on:


o   Technical considerations.  

o   Quality issues.

o   A balance between price and quality.

o   An individual buyer’s perceptions.

o   a balance of requirements of marketing, engineering, operations, and supply



Question 8

Buying capital equipment differs from other types of purchases because determination of final cost includes estimates over the life of the equipment.


o   True

o   False


Question 9

Total quality management (TQM) is a philosophy and system of management focused on long-term success through customer satisfaction.


o   True

o   False



Question 10

MRO stands for Maintenance, Resale, and Operating Supplies.


o   True 

o   False




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