INF 336 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

INF 336 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University  

Question 1

A maverick buyer is a talented member of the supply department whose creativity and innovations have saved the organization large sums of money.


o   True

o   False



Question 2

Subcontracts are useful when the work is easy to define, has a short time horizon, and is relatively inexpensive.


o   True

o   False



Question 3

A process is a set of activities that has a beginning and an end, occurs in a specific sequence, and has inputs and outputs.


o   True

o   False


 Question 4

Effectively and efficiently applying technology to the supply management process will result in:



o   a decline in operating performance because of the volume of information to be analyzed and considered before making a decision.

o   poorer negotiation planning and preparation because of the time spent accessing and analyzing data.

o   an ability to reduce the total cost of doing business by enabling just-in-time systems, bar-coding applications, integrated manufacturing, and electronic funds transfers.

o   damaged buyer-supplier relationships because of the impersonal nature of electronic communication.

o   increased clerical effort because there is more data entry than in a manual system.



Question 5

The benefit(s) of participation in an e-marketplace include:

o   all of the above.

o   the ability to automate and facilitate transactions.

o   visibility up- and downstream in the supply chain.

o   the advantages from economies of scale.

o   the ability to aggregate spend




Question 6

Outsourcing is prevalent in both the private and public sectors.

o   True

o   False


 Question 7

Supply managers typically recommend insourcing.

o   True

o   False



Question 8

The terms and conditions included in a purchase order vary depending on the nature of the purchase and may relate to price, quality, and service.


o   True

o   False




Question 9

Loss of control is:


o   One reason few organizations outsource services.

o   One of the advantages of outsourcing.

o   a concern within the buying organization when considering outsourcing.

o   a concern of the supplier in an outsourcing situation.

o   seldom a concern when considering outsourcing.



Question 10

Growth in outsourcing in the logistics area can be attributed to growing deregulation of transportation companies.


o   True

o   False

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