HIS 103 Week 5 Discussion 2 | Assignment Help | Ashford University

HIS 103 Week 5 Discussion  2 | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Week 5 - Discussion 2

Historical Imagination 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please review your readings for the week, and the following sources: The Anatomy of a Discussion Board  and Critical Thinking: A Guide to Skillful Reasoning . Finally, remember that the HIS103 Research Guide: Library Resources and Primary Sources may assist you in finding additional sources.

We have studied the rise of famous civilizations. Now, we will utilize what we have learned, as well as what a famous historian named Collingwood called historical imagination, to make some forecasts about our future. In one or two paragraphs (totaling at least 250 words), address at least one of the following questions:

·         Do you think civilization is worth the price in blood and treasure?

·         Are cultures that do not have cities inherently better off?

·         Are we destined to live in cities forever?

·         How can humans enjoy the benefits of urban life without crowding, crime, and alienation?

·         How can we use history to inform our vision of the future?

·         How might the sense of cultural perspective you’ve gained from this class and the idea of historical imagination inform your thinking within the context of your chosen profession

Guided Response: Respond to two colleagues in a discussion with a minimum of 100 words. Be sure to explain why you may agree or disagree with your colleague, or express how your colleagues’ thoughts have influenced your own way of thinking. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum. 

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