HIS 103 Week 4 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

HIS 103 Week 4 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Question 1

Constantinople was an especially important city due to its location __________.


o   on the Nile River

o   in central Persia

o   on the Bosporus Strait

o   near the Appian Way



Question 2

What was a major characteristic of life in Islamic Iberia?


o   There were frequent battles between Muslims and competing Visigothic kings.

o   Centers of learning were moved from Cordoba to North Africa and Saudi Arabia.

o   There was relative religious, intellectual, and cultural tolerance.

o   The conversion rate to Islam was the highest up to that point in history.



Question 3

Writers in the Ming period were most interested in creating __________.


o   classical stories in Yuan dynasty style

o   traditional parables in Song dynasty style  

o   popular literature written in the vernacular  

o   ethical lessons relayed by the Buddha




Question 4

Faithful Muslims and Christians both attributed the Black Death to God’s will. What were their feelings about why God had brought the plague?


o   Both Muslims and Christians thought it was an opportunity to achieve martyrdom.

o   Both Muslims and Christians thought it was a punishment for living a sinful life.

o   Muslims thought it was punishment for living a sinful life; Christians thought it was an opportunity to achieve martyrdom.

o   Muslims thought it was an opportunity to achieve martyrdom; Christians thought it was a punishment for living a sinful life.



Question 5

In the hierarchy of medieval society, what group was directly below the noblemen?


o   the priests

o   the serfs

o   the knights

o   the foot soldiers



Question 6

Baram, an Arian Christian who lived during the time of the Council of Nicaea, would have been regarded by the Orthodox Church as a __________.


o   pagan

o   heretic

o   Nestorian

o   Monophysite



Question 7

Which of the following represents the LEAST common situation within a Chinese peasant family unit in the late first millennium CE?


o   A daughter leaves home to go live with her husband’s family.

o   A son leaves his family to establish his own homestead.

o   Grandparents, parents, and children live together in one household.

o   A son brings his new wife into his family’s home.



Question 8

The Umayyad dynasty (661–750 CE) is known for its Arabic poetry, intricate Islamic artwork, and the emergence of a religious sect known as __________.


o   monasticism

o   Sufism  

o   Sunnism

o   Zoroastrianism



Question 9

Jean-Louis de Carnac, a Catholic noble in 14th-century France, had heard that he could buy the office of priest from his cardinal. What was Jean-Louis describing?


o   graft

o   simony

o   dispensation

o   indulgence



Question 10

During the Abbasid dynasty, substantial urban growth in the new capital city of Baghdad was most likely caused by __________.


o   restrictions that required various citizens to live in specific areas of the city, which led to feelings of safety and connection

o   Baghdad’s location on the Euphrates River, which provided plentiful irrigation for farming

o   the availability of government jobs regardless of religious or ethnic background

o   Baghdad’s vast libraries and centers of learning that attracted scholars and their families



Question 11

Hadia is a Bedouin woman who lives in pre-Islamic Arabia and belongs to a tribe that practices polyandry. What does this practice mean for Hadia?


o   Hadia can inherit and own property even if she has male siblings.

o   Hadia can be elected to be her tribe’s shaykh.

o   Hadia can serve as a marriage barter between powerful clans.

o   Hadia can have more than one husband.



Question 12

Medieval culture centered on two features: __________ and __________.


o   monasteries; education

o   farming; trade

o   the university; the meeting hall

o   the church; the village



Question 13

How were the religious writings of Christ and Muhammad produced?


o   Christ wrote much of the New Testament, and Muhammad wrote much of the Qur’an.

o   Christ’s followers wrote the New Testament after he died, while Muhammad and his followers wrote the Qur’an while Muhammad was alive.

o   Christ’s followers wrote the New Testament while he was alive, and Muhammad’s followers wrote the Qur’an while he was alive.

o   Christ’s followers wrote the New Testament after he died, and Muhammad’s followers wrote the Qur’an after he died.



Question 14

Which of the following statements about the aftermath of the Hundred Years’ War is FALSE?


o   The use of the longbow and crossbow resulted in the end of heavy cavalry.

o   Charles VII created a standing French army for the first time in France’s history.  

o   Joan of Arc was killed by the French as a martyr for England.

o   The new kingdom of France formed from a loose federation of vassal lordships.





Question 15

Which of the following statements about Buddhism during the Sui and Tang dynasties is TRUE?


o   Buddhism was practiced more than Daoism or Confucianism.

o   Buddhism was younger and less traditionally Chinese than Daoism or Confucianism.

o   Buddhism was more family oriented than most traditional Chinese religions.

o   Buddhism was banned by the state.



Question 16

Chroniclers such as Muhammad al-Maqrizi relayed “plague stories” about merchant ships arriving at Islamic ports with __________.


o   a mostly dead crew

o   empty cargo holds

o   passengers who were robbed and murdered by survivors

o   passengers who were unaware of the plague’s impact



Question 17

In reaction to the Black Death, European Christians known as __________whipped themselves in public as penance for the sins of humanity.


o   repentants

o   Jacqueries

o   flagellants

o   Red Turbans



Question 18

Students in Bologna, Italy, at the first European university, had to first master the trivium: __________.


o   grammar, logic, and rhetoric

o   philosophy, logic, and arithmetic

o   rhetoric, astronomy, and arithmetic

o   music, philosophy, and theology



Question 19

Despite early prohibition, __________ influence during the Abbasid dynasty led Muslim artists to depict human representations in art, including that of the Prophet himself.



o   Armenian

o   Egyptian

o   Spanish

o   Persian



Question 20

Which of the following accounts of his vast travels did Marco Polo allegedly write?


o   Kubla Khan or a Vision in a Dream

o   The Description of the World

o   A Gift to the Observers Concerning the Curiosities of the Cities and Marvels Encountered in Travels

o   The Itinerary of Marco Polo





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