HIS 103 Week 2 Discussion 1 | Assignment Help | Ashford University

HIS 103 Week 2 Discussion  1 | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Week 2 - Discussion

Visitor to a New Land

Prior to completing your post, please review the The Anatomy of a Discussion Board  and the Critical Thinking: A Guide to Skillful Reasoning   supplementary web pages. It is recommended that you consult the HIS103 State Consolidation in the Classical Age Tour  for additional sources. In addition, the HIS103 Research Guide: Library Resources and Primary Sources supports all assignments for this course; it provides links to relevant books, articles, and primary sources.

You are a visitor from a foreign land. You are taking notes on your trip, trying to identify characteristics of the place you are visiting in terms of how they compare to and contrast with your own society.

·         First, create an identity for yourself based on a historically-informed character from one of the societies in this week’s reading in Chapters 3 and 4:

·         Next, decide where you are visiting, choosing from among the societies in this week’s reading in Chapters 3 and 4:

·         After you have established who you are, where you are from and where you are visiting, choose three of the following categories as the basis for comparing your home society and the one you are visiting:

o    Social structure (What are the different social classes or groups in each society? Are the life experiences similar or different for these groups based on their wealth or social status? How does each society determine what elevates or lowers social status? Is it possible for people in each society to change their social status?)

o    Political organization (How does government work in each society? Who participates in governance?)

o    Cultural or technological achievements (What are major cultural or technological accomplishments in each society?)

o    Legal system (What are the principles of justice in each society? How are they upheld?)

o    Religious or spiritual systems (What are key religious or spiritual principles that dominate in each society?)

o    Gender roles or ideals (What roles or behaviors are seen as appropriate or ideal in each society? Be sure to explain if they the same or different for women and men.)

Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words. Write up a report detailing who you are, where you are from, where you are visiting, along with your observations on the categories of comparison you have selected from the list above. What details and examples will make your report of interest to your people? What details and examples would fascinate someone reading your report many years later? Capture attention by supplying specific examples drawn from course materials or sources produced by your own research. Cite and format all sources according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, using both in-text citation and providing full references at the bottom of your post.

Guided Response: Review several of your peers’ posts, and respond in a post of at least 150 words each to two colleagues who have examined a different society than the one you chose for your report. What details in their report capture your attention? Why? How do their observations compare to or contrast with the society you examined? Remember to include specific details and examples from course materials or your own research to support your observations. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum. and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post.

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