PAD 330 Week 5 Assignment Help | southern-new-hampshire-university

PAD 330 Week 5  Assignment Help | southern-new-hampshire-university

5-2 Project Two Submission: Issue Analysis

To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Project Two Guidelines and Rubric document. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback.

In this competency project, you will analyze the contemporary issue of immigration reform, which presents many public administrators with various ethical dilemmas. Immigration policy is often viewed along a spectrum from laissez-faire to strict enforcement, and different stakeholders advocate to change the law, ignore the law, or obey it. You will provide an outline of the issues related to immigration policy by explaining the context and perspectives on the topic. You will also explain the factors that impact policy development in immigration reform, and the expectations of public administrators to uphold these policies. In the last part of this paper, you will assume the role of a border-patrol agent in order to apply theories of public administration, such as Miles Law, to a real-world situation. This is the second of three competency projects in this course; it is due in Module Five. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course competency:


 Describe the essential components of public administration and its role in contemporary society

Using the provided case study (“Why Illegal Immigration Is an Intergovernmental Mess and Will Remain So” in Chapter 4 of the textbook), craft a paper analyzing the issues at play through the lens of public-administration theory and ethics. Specifically consider: What are the issues and perspectives related to immigration in the United States? How is immigration policy developed and what factors impact its development? What concepts in public administration would guide the actions of a public agent charged with enforcing the law?

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