SOC 205 Week 5 Discussion 1 | Assignment Help | Ashford University

SOC 205 Week 5  Discussion 1 |   Assignment Help | Ashford University  

Week 5 - Discussion 1

The Value of Social Theory – How We Know What We Know

First, in the introductory essay of Section Four of the course text, Social Theory Re-Wired, key concepts used to interrogate theories were presented. After reviewing that reading again, answer the following:

·         Explain the sociological interpretations of “how we know what we know,” and “alternative knowledge” as presented in the introductory essay.

Second, considering the reflection journals you have completed, the analysis of the classical and contemporary theoretical works you have undertaken the last five weeks, and your own development of understanding social theory through your work in this course, answer the following open discussion prompt:

·         Critique the value of social theory in understanding society and creating “new knowledge.”.

·         Explain if classical theories have a role to play in helping us understand modern society.

·         Compare and contrast noted differences between classical and contemporary theory.

·         Which theorist’s work did you enjoy the most and find easiest to understand?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. 

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