SOC 304 Week 3 Discussion 1 | Assignment Help | Ashford University

SOC 304 Week 3 Discussion 1 | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Week 3 - Discussion

Issues of Elder Caregiving


After reading the information on cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and also the modern challenges of families in regards to structures and geographical distance, it is important to acknowledge the issues of elder care-giving where these two aspects intersect. After completing this week’s reading, address the following:

·         Visit the Alzheimer’s Association website  from the reading and the information on this site, present three ways in which people can proactively try to avoid the onset of Alzheimer’s Dementia.


Watch the Nightline video,

Experience 12 minutes in Alzheimer’s Dementia . Explain the challenges of care-giving for an Alzheimer’s Dementia sufferer in the home.

·         Watch the PBS NewsHour video, Easing the Burden for Families of Long-term Caregiving 42 Percent of Working Americans Are Caregiving for Older Family Member , and read the Chapter 7 section on care-giving. Explain three challenges for modern care-givers. How is social policy seeking to address these challenges?

·         For some, the challenges of the burden of care-giving are too great and require family members to place their loved ones in a care facility. In the final video from CNN, Dementia Village we learn about a state of the art facility in the Netherlands which houses Dementia patients in a secure ‘village’ facility. What are some of the benefits of care for patients in a facility such as Hogeweyk? What are the benefits for care-givers? [A highlight, text version of CNN’s ‘Dementia Village’ is located here]

Your initial full post should be at least 600 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. For help writing a great discussion post, see this video guide .

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