SOC 101 Week 5 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

SOC 101 Week 5 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Question 1

The main difference between collective behavior and social movements is that


o   Collective behavior is more organized.

o   Social movements are more organized

o   Collective behavior involves more participants.

o   Social movements involve more participants.


 Question 2

A __________ movement is focused on limited change in the whole society.


o   Revolutionary

o   Reformative

o   Reactionary

o   Redemptive



Question 3

A panic is


o   People in the same location having a response (often irrational) to some perceived threat.

o   A piece of unconfirmed information that can’t be verified and is rapidly spread via word of mouth or electronic media.

o   A type of folklore that describes unusual and horrible events while cautioning about the dangers of the contemporary world.

o   A dispersed collective of people who have the same irrational reactions to some perceived threat.





Question 4

__________ is chiefly concerned with the conditions in which social movements prosper.



o   Resource mobilization theory

o   Value-added theory

o   Mass society theory

o   Deprivation theory




Question 5

The idea that isolated and alienated people are drawn to social movements because these entities offer them a sense of belonging is consistent with __________.


o   Resource mobilization theory

o   Value-added theory

o   Mass society theory

o   Deprivation theory



Question 6

Urban legends function to


o   Advance traditional value systems and resist social change.

o   Increase the social differentiation between in-groups and out-groups.

o   Provide exceedingly high profits for media outlets.

o   Express collective anxieties about life in contemporary society.



Question 7

Neil Smelser’s _________ synthesizes the respective elements of other theories of social movements.


o   Resource mobilization theory

o   Value-added theory

o   Mass society theory

o   Deprivation theory



Question 8

Which theory claims social change is the result of competing group interests?


o   Conflict

o   Functionalism

o   Cyclical

o   Evolutionary




Question 9

According to Durkin and Bryant, which technology played a major role in the sexual revolution?


o   The automobile

o   Television

o   Computers

o   Radio





Question 10

A __________ is a short-lived type of unconventional behavior or object that is enthusiastically adopted by some segment of the population.


o   Fad

o   Fashion

o   Trend

o   Style




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