SOC 120 Week 1 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

SOC 120 Week 1 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Question 1

Which statement is an objection to ethical egoism?


o   It is always clear what is in one’s self-interest.

o   Being selfish isn’t a very nice way to act.

o   Few people demonstrate that they act out of self-interest.

o   It can’t be shown to be false and thus doesn't explain anything.

o   All of the above.



Question 2

Which of the following examples best demonstrates to most people that ethical progress has taken place over the past 200 years?


o   Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race

o   Laws that have increased speed limits

o   Laws that prevented women from voting

o   Laws that prevented gay people from getting married

o   Laws that focus on protecting the ethnic majority




Question 3

Which statement reflects a relativist view of gay marriage?


o   It can be considered both good and bad.

o   It is unacceptable where it is illegal.

o   It is acceptable where it is legal.

o   all of the above.

o   none of the above.



Question 4

Which reason was used to support the claim that women should not be allowed to vote?


o   Women are just as intelligent as men.

o   Women enjoy participating in government

o   Women must stay within the realm of the home which is an apolitical space

o   Women served in the military

o   None of the above





Question 5

Which statement might be used to argue that pornography should be more tightly regulated?


o   Pornography enhances people’s view of their self-worth.

o   Pornography degrades values that are held in high regard in a society.

o   Pornography ought to be recognized as a form of free speech.

o   A and B

o   B and C



Question 6

The harm principle states

o   The only time the government can limit someone’s freedom is when the individual’s actions would harm another person.

o   The only time the government can limit someone’s freedom is when individuals’ actions cause harm to themselves.

o   Actions that harm people are bad.

o   One can harm another so long as she is protecting herself from harm.

o   None of the above





Question 7

Which argument might be used to support the claim that pornography should not be illegal?


o   Pornography is a form of speech that should be protected.

o   People have been harmed in the production of pornography.

o   The pornography industry has harmed children.

o   Pornography makes men more likely to rape women.

o   A and C



Question 8

Which country outlawed the wearing of full-face veils in 2011?


o   Germany

o   France

o   Philippines

o   Saudi Arabia

o   The United States



Question 9

Which statement best reflects the argument that prayer in school should be protected?


o   Prayer makes students smarter.

o   Prayer is different across cultures and as such should take place outside the school.

o   Prayer contributes to virtuous ideals in the student body.

o   Prayer is protected by the second amendment.

o   None of the above.







Question 10

The Golden Mean is best captured by which slogan?


o   Everything for the good of all

o   Nothing according to evil

o   Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

o   Nothing in shortage, nothing in excess

o   None of the above





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