ECE 303 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

ECE 303 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Question 1

To support young children’s development of autonomy, caregivers need _________


o   A handbook with guidelines for making rules in the classroom.

o   Appropriate training in how to respond to children who are struggling to develop autonomy.

o   To ask parents for ideas about how to cope with separation.

o   Time to talk about individual children with other teachers.



Question 2

Because meal times are low-stress social experiences, they are a good time to _________


o   Catch up on missed television programs.

o   Instruct the children.

o   Insist toddlers perform new skills.

o   Have conversations that introduce new words.



Question 3

An adult who wants a toddler to be civilized and “mind” may lead the toddler to __________


o   Be confused about the rules.

o   Experience mistrust.

o   Feel shame and doubt.

o   Desire autonomy.




 Question 4

Which of the following strategies is NOT effective when addressing a young child’s separation anxiety?


o   The caregiver engages the child in play as they enter.

o   The caregiver encourages the child to join in with other children.

o   The parent leaves the room abruptly without informing the child or saying good-bye.

o   The parent departs gradually and returns after short periods of time, up to 30 minutes.



 Question 5

As toddlers seek independence and autonomy, their language skills are still developing. This can be challenging for adults because the toddler __________



o   Expresses frustrations through tantrums and biting.

o   Does not hear what the adult says.

o   Wants to be independent.

o   Can disobey the adult.


Question 6

Children who watch more television are more likely to _________


o   Engage in focused play.

o   Have a sustained attention span.

o   Act more impulsively.

o   Gain knowledge about the real world.



Question 7

An authoritarian parent who exhibits little flexibility and is not responsive to the typical behaviors of a preschooler may contribute to a child’s _________


o   Initiative.

o   Authority.

o   Aggression.

o   Reactivity.




Question 8

Meaningful learning experiences that are interesting, challenging, and child-centered are beneficial to children’s development because they do all of the following except _________


o   Provide children with a sense of power.

o   Increase the stress felt by children.

o   Support development of children’s initiative.

o   Teach children about natural limitations.


Question 9

When a preschool teacher encourages children to make friends, the teacher is encouraging a child’s development of _________


o   Beliefs.

o   Popularity.

o   Initiative.

o   Understanding.




Question 10

A warm and loving parent who has few expectations for behavior is characteristic of _________


o   Authoritative parenting.

o   Permissive parenting.

o   Flexible parenting.

o   Authoritarian parenting.



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