ECE 303 Week 2 Discussion 2 | Assignment Help | Ashford University

ECE 303 Week 2 Discussion 2 | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Week 2 - Discussion 2

Encouraging Support

Chapter 4 describes children in Erikson’s initiative versus guilt stage as interested in learning about the world, mastering new skills, and making new friends (Wardle, 2013, p. 80).  Reflecting on this, describe in-depth how you can encourage support of these stages in your future role in the early childcare classroom, outdoor environment, and home environment.  

For this discussion, your post can be a written narrative addressing the required components, or you can use the template below to organize your ideas.


Guided Response:  Review several of your classmates’ charts or narratives.  Choose two of your classmates who included suggestions that you would not use in the classroom.  Explain to your classmates why you would not use their chosen strategy and why you would approach this with a different method.  As a reminder, the Discussion Forum is a venue for academic thoughts.  Please be respectful with your responses.



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