CIS 512 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION The Internet Please respond to the following IPv6 is an updated version of IPv4 that has been around for a number of years. From the first e-Activity, examine the major difficulties that users have encountered throughout IPv6- widespread acceptance and implementation. Recommend two (2) possible solutions for the difficulties that users have encountered in IPv6- widespread implementation. Justify your response. • From the second e-Activity, examine the major pros and cons of a DSL and a cable Internet connection. Compare DSL and cable Internet connections based on availability, consistent high speed, reliability, security, and price. Determine the Internet connection you prefer. Provide a rationale for your response. Week 7 eActivities • Use the Internet and Strayer Library to research IPv6, its characteristics, and when it may be fully adopted. Be prepared to discuss. • Use the Internet and Strayer Library to research DSL and cable Internet connections. Be prepared to discuss the availability, speed, customer satisfaction, and price of both Internet connections.