SOC 101 Week 4 Quiz | Assignment help | Ashford University

SOC 101 Week 4 Quiz | Assignment help | Ashford University 

Week 4 Quiz 

Question 1

A/an __________ family is comprised of parents, children, and additional relatives (e.g., aunts, uncles, grandparents).

o   nuclear

o   extended

o   blended

o   traditional


Question 2

The ______ style of parenting uses a very high (and rigid) level of parental control with very little warmth or nurturance.

o   authoritarian

o   permissive

o   authoritative

o   democratic


Question 3

Many people living in the inner cities only have access to processed food because no one in their community sells fresh fruits and vegetables. These communities are known as

o   Pre-packaged communities.

o   Food deserts.

o   Vegetable boycotts.

o   susto.


Question 4

Which of the following is not among the possible forms of government?

o   Autocracy

o   Theocracy

o   Democracy

o   Civil religion


Question 5

Couples who live together before getting married have lower-levels of marital satisfaction than do other couples unless the couple

o   Regularly attended religious services.

o   Was already engaged before cohabitating.

o   Was composed of adults who were previously married.

o   Had an exceptionally high level of income.


Question 6

The birth of the first child tends to have __________ impact on marital satisfaction

o   a positive

o   a negative

o   no

o   a negligible


Question 7

Which of these is not typical of most religions?

o   Religions have symbolic rituals that represent meaning and reinforce unity.

o   Religions typically have a community of believers that encourages a common experience.

o   Religions should have beliefs, which help believers perceive, understand, and describe the world around them.

o   Religions control means of trade and exchange.


Question 8

The institutionalized process of formally transmitting knowledge, attitudes, and skills through systematic instruction is called

o   Socialization.

o   Education.

o   Indoctrination.

o   Mentorship.


Question 9

______________ is a political organization or government with power over a given territory while the ________________ refers to people with a shared identity or culture who feel they are a part of that political organization.

o   State; nation

o   Nation; monarchy

o   Monarchy; state

o   Nation; state


Question 10

Which sociological perspective considers institutions to be critical for society because of the many contributions they make to social life?

o   Functionalism

o   Symbolic interactionism

o   Behaviourism

o   Conflict theory



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