SOC 101 Week 3 Quiz | Assignment help | Ashford University

SOC 101 Week 3 Quiz | Assignment help | Ashford University

Week 3 Quiz


Question 1

People in the ghettos of Chicago are usually considered in financially bad shape in comparison to most of us. However, when compared to rural villages in Bangladesh, the Chicagoans seem wealthy. These comparisons are examples of

o   stigmatization

o   relative poverty

o   poverty line

o   absolute poverty


 Question 2

As of 2013, when compared to White men, the wage gap was approximate _____ for Latina women and _____ for African-American women.

o   53%; 64%

o   64%; 53%

o   53%; 42%

o   77%; 89%


Question 3

What does it mean to be intersexed?

o   A male attempting to live as a female.

o   A female attempting to live as a male.rect!

o   An infant born with ambiguous genitalia where it isn't clear if the child is biologically male or female

o   One who is sexually attracted to both males and females


Question 4

The fact that a woman makes less than a man even when both are employed full time at the same job is due to

o   A glass ceiling. u Answered

o   Pink-collar jobs.

o   a wage gap.

o   The feminization of poverty.

Question 5

________________ is a the measure that indicates how closely members of a given culture are willing to accept relationships with members of another group. For example, if one is willing to be a co-worker with a Brazilian but would object to a Brazilian family living in their neighborhood.

o   Contact hypothesis

o   Affirmative action

o   Selective perception

o   Social distance scale


Question 6

____________ is considered a cultural universal, which means___________.

o   Stratification; it limits life chances

o   Stratification; it exists in every known cultureu Answered

o   Inequality; it limits life chances

o   Inequality; it exists in every known culture


Question 7

Refusing to rent an apartment to someone based on their race or religion would best be described as

o   Prejudice

o   Discrimination

o   Intersectionality

o   A schema


Question 8

Which of the following can be inherited, can be negative, and is a determinant of social class?

o   Income

o   Equality of condition

o   Equality of opportunity

o   Wealth


Question 9

According to the gay rights organization Stonewall, ______ of LGBTQ people have been victims of hate crimes within the last three years.

o   2%

o   11%

o   17%

o   26%


Question 10

Which of the following is NOT true of pink-collar jobs?

o   The jobs require the skills learned as part of the female gender role

o   The jobs are very well paid.

o   The jobs require relatively few credentials. You Answered

o   The jobs are usually in the secondary labor market.
















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