SOC 101 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment help | Ashford University

SOC 101 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment help | Ashford University

Week 2 Quiz


Question 1


According to symbolic integrationists,


o   The media reinforce stereotypes about race, class, and gender.

o   The media are an important source of norms and values.

o   The impact of the media is greater on socially isolated people.

o   Media images must be defined and interpreted by the consumer.


Question 2


Bureaucracies are based on __________.


o   Politics

o   Efficiency

o   Groupthink

o   The profit motive



Question 3


According to sociologist Georg Simmel, __________ refers to a group of two, and _________ refers to a group of three or more.


o   Duo; trio

o   Twosome; threesome

o   Double group; triple group

o   Dyad; triad



Question 4


According to Mead, during the __________ stage, the child takes on the role of only one person at a time and “tries on” that behavior.


o   Generalized

o   Play

o   Game

o   Reflective



 Question 5


_____________ regulate all areas of an individual's life in an attempt to remove all individuality and signs of past lives.


o   Cohorts

o   Generalized other

o   Genesis of self

o   Total institutions



Question 6


The hidden curriculum refers to


o   The favoritism showed to students who have family members working in the school system.

o   The transmission of values that benefit the dominant ideology.

o   Emphasis placed on sports and extracurricular activities.

o   Teaching to the needs of standardized testing and assessments.



Question 7


We would be most likely to feel ethnocentrism toward members of


o   A primary group.

o   A secondary group.

o   An in-group.

o   An out-group.



Question 8


The first phase of the looking glass self involves


o   Imagine how others judge our appearance.

o   Making judgments about others.

o   Considering how we appear to others.

o   The development of some self-feeling.




Question 9


Socialization is the process


o   Of informal interaction with peers in various social settings.

o   By which an individual learns the skill for survival and attitudes encouraged by the culture.

o   By which the person develops an individual personality traits independent of parents.

o   Of receiving training and instruction informal organizations, such as school and religious institutions.



Question 10


A social institution is


o   A feature of the society that is consistent across time and helps meet social needs.

o   A group whose members share interests that they pursue collectively.

o   A group that is created for the pursuit of some particular objective.

o   A large organization with a hierarchy, rules, and clearly defined responsibilities.






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