INF 337 Week 4 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

INF 337 Week 4  Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Week 4 Quiz


Question 1

The value management approach hinges on three key principals: Which one below is not one of those principals?


o   A focus on function or thought on outcomes that are meaningful.

o   No focus on function or thought for maximizing those outcomes that are innovative.

o   A focus on clear definition of objectives and identification of targets before seeking solutions.

o   Unending quest for enhancing value for the organization.


Question 2

The goal of value management is to enable an organization to achieve maximum progress towards its stated goals with the minimum use of resources.


o   True

o   False



Question 3

 The concept of value can be defined as the relationship between satisfying an organizations many conflicting needs and the resources required to meet those needs.


o   True

o   False

 Question 4

 Which of these attributes is part of the group “positive human dynamics”?


o   Understand degrees of freedom.

o   Consider internal conditions that managers may or may not be able to influence.

o   Encourage people to work together toward a common solution.

o   Emphasis on teamwork and communication.


Question 5

A project can be considered an investment made by management.


o   True

o   False


Question 6

Technical risk is not one area of uncertainty for a project.


o   True

o   False



Question 7

There is nothing that can be done to plan for risks to a project.


o   True

o   False



Question 8

One way to plan with risk avoidance is to purchase insurance.


o   True

o   False


Question 9

Most projects generally need multiple financial reviews, starting at the concept phase.

o   True

o   False


Question 10

Customer or client satisfaction is not part of project value.


o   True

o   False


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