INF 337 Week 1 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

INF 337 Week 1 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Question 1

The linkage of project strategy to the corporate strategy ensures that project plans are not in conflict with corporate goals and objectives.

o   True

o   False


Question 2

Identify the most complete definition of corporate strategy from the choices below.


o   The impetus to launch a project from the project organization or client.

o   Framework for articulating an organization’s overall goals and objectives.

o   The project’s source of origin and clear definition of the problem.

o   None of the above.


Question 3

The bottoms up approach begins with the total work required to produce the projects end product.

o   True

o   False


Question 4

The creation of a WBS facilitates the aggregation of budget and actual costs incurred into larger cost accounts.

o   True

o   False


Question 5

The creation of a WBS can only be done by the top down approach.

o   True

o   False

Question 6

Which of the following are not critical steps in the process for developing an accurate project concept?


o   Statement of goals.

o   Gather Information

o   Constraints

o   Time Series Analysis



Question 7

Value is the relationship between meeting or exceeding the expectations of project stakeholders and the resources expended.


o   True

o   False


Question 8

The Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project is an excellent example of cost control and early completion dates.


o   True

o   False


Question 9

Projects generally evolve out of corporate strategies.

o   True

o   False



Question 10

Effective project cost management begins late in the project lifecycle.

o   True

o   False

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