FCS 324 Week 7 Quiz | Los Rios Community College

FCS 324 Week 7 Quiz | Los Rios Community College 

Question 1

Mila’s friends all seem to know what they want to do after they graduate high school, but she feels alone in not knowing. She doesn’t know what she wants to do, and she’s not ready to start thinking about it yet. According to Marcia, what is Mila’s identity status?  

·         Achievement  

·         Diffusion  

·         Moratorium 

·         Foreclosure


 Question 2

As adolescents mature, their choices in friends shift from primarily those with shared interests to more relational-based friendships. What is the term for this adolescent preference for those who share similar behaviors and attitudes?  

·         Homosexuality  

·         Peer pressure  

·         Homophily  

·         Homogeneity


Question 3

Ralph wants to drop out of high school so he can start making money in the real world. What is the main problem with this ambition?  

·         He may have fewer job opportunities without a diploma  

·         The school district won’t allow him to drop out  

·         Every job requires high school graduation or an equivalent certificate  

·         Ralph isn’t old enough to start a job


 Question 4

The first of numerous, radical transitions during adolescence occur primarily in this environment.

·         Middle school 

·         In the home  

·         High school  

·         Elementary school


Question 5

Lee has always enjoyed swimming. He is currently going through puberty. What kind of changes in his swimming abilities is he likely experiencing?  

·         Increased adrenaline and increased speed  

·         Decreased muscle mass and increased tiredness  

·         Decreased cardiovascular capacity

·         Increased lung capacity and endurance


Question 6

Marcus lifts weights every day. He takes nutritional supplements and steroids, but he never seems satisfied with his muscular progress. Marcus is displaying signs of what disorder?  

·         Anorexia nervosa  

·         Steroid rage  

·         Body disfigurement  

·         Muscle dysmorphia


Question 7

Luke is certain he will become a doctor because his mother is a doctor, and her father is a doctor, too. It runs in the family. Which of Marcia’s four identity statuses does Luke’s decision align with?  

·         Foreclosure 

·         Moratorium  

·         Achievement  

·         Diffusion


 Question 8

Jessica spilt milk on herself at the lunch table. For the rest of the school day, she walks around, mortified that everyone is staring at the stain on her shirt. What does this experience illustrate?  

·         The invincibility fallacy  

·         The personal fable 

·         The imaginary audience  

·         Metacognition


Question 9

Sam and Andy, both 18, have been dating for a year, and they have decided to have sex for the first time. In terms of physical health, what should their primary concern be, and how should they protect against this concern?  

·         Pregnancy; birth control 

·         Sexually transmitted infections (STIs); condoms  

·         Pregnancy; abstinence  

·         Sexually transmitted infections (STIs); abstinence


 Question 10

Contrary to popular culture that often depicts teenagers as individuals who only think of themselves, during the formal operational stage, thinking patterns change in what ways?  

·         Thinking patterns become more abstract and less organized  

·         Thinking patterns become more concrete and solution-based  

·         Thinking patterns become more hypothetical and more egocentric  

·         Thinking patterns become more abstract and less egocentric


Question 11

Ria was born a biological female, but he has always felt and identified as masculine, and male. What construct does Ria’s identification as male address?  

·         Sex  

·         Androgyny  

·         Sexual orientation  

·         Gender identity


Question 12

The development of pubic and underarm hair during puberty for both boys and girls are examples of what?  

·         Testosterone    

·         Secondary sex characteristics    

·         Hormones  

·         Primary sex characteristics


 Question 13

Bullying has always been an issue for vulnerable teens, but with the proliferation of technology, bullies have new ways to target others. What is the term for this new form of bullying, via technology?  

·         Cyberbullying  

·         Computer-assisted aggression  

·         Sexual harassment  

·         Cyber assault


 Question 14

Peter believes in recycling because it’s important to protect the environment. According to Kohlberg, at what stage of moral development is Peter?  

·         Pre-conventional  

·         Self-righteous  

·         Conventional  

·         Postconventional


Question 15

Rebecca has a crush on a girl in her class, and she but she is afraid of the social backlash that might come with admitting her feelings. Rebecca knows, deep down, her family will accept her for being gay, but it’s hard to say it. Like most LGBT youth, what major challenge is Rebecca facing?  

·         Coming out  

·         Homophobia  

·         Rejection  

·         Questioning



Question 16

Jane, a senior in high school, finds a diary she kept her freshman year. Reading through it, she laughs at an event she’d chronicled as “the most embarrassing moment in her life,” an event she hardly remembers now. What part of her brain has developed more fully in the intervening time to change her perspective?  

·         Limbic system  

·         Prefrontal cortex

·         Hindbrain  

·         Amygdala

 Question 17

Amanda is a “jock” and Sophie is a “nerd.” Robert plays the tuba, so of course, he’s a “band kid.” What function do these categories serve?  

·         They serve to unite multiple cliques into a cohesive group  

·         They serve as reputations or “images”    

·         They unite groups of friends in dyadic relationships  

·         They unite groups of people who interact frequently

Question 18

Cherise is very good at solving math problems through a deliberate analytical process, but she is also good at sensing when others are having a bad day and need to talk. Which theory gives Cherise credit for both intuitive intelligence and analytical intelligence, through different channels? 

·         Behavioral decision-making theory  

·         Metacognitive theory  

·         Relativistic thinking theory  

·         Dual-process theory


Question 19

Many adolescents go through family histories to discover their roots, or genealogy. What aspect of identity formation does this help an individual solidify?  

·         Ethnic identity  

·         Gender identity  

·         Political identity 

·         Vocational identity


Question 20

According to James Marcia’s identity status theory, Regina, a high-school senior who is contemplating whether she wants to enlist in the Navy or attend her local community college then transfer to a larger school for ROTC, currently occupies which identity status?  

·         Achievement  

·         Foreclosure   

·         Moratorium 

·         Diffusion


 Question 21

Will’s parents set rules for how late he can stay out, where he’s allowed to go without permission, and when he’s allowed to drive. These rules act as what kind of normal parental control?  

·         Parental monitoring 

·         Psychological control  

·         Soft requests 

·         Unreasonable demands


Question 22

A group discussion begins with “if you were trapped on a deserted island and you could only bring five book, what would they be?” This question engages what type of thinking?  

·         Deductive reasoning  

·         Inductive thinking   

·         Hypothetical thinking

·         Metacognitive thinking


Question 23

Teen movies often contain the trope of the nagging parent trying to wake up their sleepy teenager. Why is this so common?  

·         Most teens get too little sleep  

·         Most teens are lazy  

·         Most teens stay up late at night  

·         Most teens sleep better during the day


Question 24

Which of these has the greatest influence on adolescents concerning attitudes about sexual activity?  

·         Close friends    

·         Pornography  

·         Media 

·         Parents


Question 25

During adolescence, the increased production of this neurotransmitter is partially responsible for increased risk-taking behaviors.


·         GABA  

·         Serotonin  

·         Cortisol  

·         Dopamine

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