Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management

Risk Management


·         a scientific approach to the problem of dealing with the risks facing the business firm


Market Risk


·         the risk arising from adverse movements in market prices


Credit Risk


·         the risk arising from the potential that a borrower will fail to pay a debt


Liquidity Risk


·         the risk that the business will have insufficient liquid assets to meet obligations that come due


Operational Risk


·         fraud, breachers in internal controls, technology risks, and external events such as earthquake, flood, and war


Reputational Risk


·         the potential that negative publicity will cause a loss


Strategic Risk


·         the risk of failing to successfully implement the firm's strategies


Compliance Risk


·         the risk of failing to comply with laws and regulations


Enterprise Risk Management


·         integrated management of all risks, pure and speculative


Financial Risk Management


·         the management of financial risks, including credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk


Traditional Risk Management


·         the management of pure risks, both insurable and uninsurable


Risk Control


·         encompasses all techniques aimed at reducing the number of risks facing the organization or the amount of loss that an arise from these exposures


Risk Avoidance


·         takes place when decisions are made that prevent a risk from even coming into existence


Risk Reduction


·         broad set of efforts aimed at minimizing risk


Risk Financing


·         consists of those techniques designed to guarantee the availability of funds to meet those losses that do occure


Unintentional Retention


·         occurs when a risk is not recognized


Voluntary Retention


·         results from the judgment that retention is the most effective means of dealing with the risk


Risk Manager


·         an individual employed by the organization who is responsible for the risk management function


2 Facets of Loss Exposure


·         the potential severity of loss and the possible frequency or probability of loss


Criticality Analysis


·         attempts to distinguish truly important things from the overwhelming mass of unimportant things


Loss Unit


·         total of all financial losses that can result from a single event, taking into consideration the various exposures


Evaluation and Review


·         setting standards to be achieved, measuring performance against standards, and taking corrective action when needed


Cost of Risk


·         the total expenditures for risk management, including insurance premiums paid and retained losses, expressed as a percentage or revenues


Risk Management Audit


·         a detailed and systematic review designed to determine some aspects


What is asset liquidity?


·         the ability to sell an asset quickly and at close to its true value



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