High level programming language

High level programming language

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)


·         An application that includes an editor (a sort of programmer's word processor), debugger, and compiler, among other tools.


Low level programming language


·         A programming language that provides little or no abstraction from a computer's instruction set architecture—commands or functions in the language map closely to processor instructions. Generally this refers to either machine code or assembly language.


High level programming language


·         A programming language with many commands and features designed to make common tasks easier to program.




·         a program or sequence of instructions that is interpreted or carried out by another program


Code Segment


·         A collection of program statements that is part of a program.


Computer Programming


·         A way of giving computers precise, line-by-line instructions to follow using programming languages




·         Graphical representation of computer instructions that can be connected to form Scripts


Hat Block


·         Typically start with "When" that indicates when the script connected should be carried out.


Command Blocks


·         Blocks that corresponds to an action that Snap! already knows how to carry out.




·         An object in Snap! which performs functions controlled by scripts.


Snap! Stage


·         The area in SNAP where program outputs are displayed.


Snap! Scripting Area


·         The Area in Snap! where blocks are connected to create scripts


Snap! Sprite Corral


·         The Area in Snap! where individual sprites are displayed


Snap! Palette


·         The Area in Snap! where the blocks are displayed. These are organized by color and function.


Snap! Costume


·         Appearance of a Sprite




·         A statement which makes a program repeat a series of instructions




·         a statement that can be written in if-then form. This evaluate to either true or false


Event-driven programming


·         Program that is activated by events such as button clicks.


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