Starting from the bottom-layer of the OSI model and working your way up to the top
OSI Layer #7 -
Provides services such as e-mail, web browsing, and file transfer services:
determines resource availability.
OSI Layer #6 -
Presents data to the application layer: Multimedia, encryption, decryption, and
data compression.
OSI Layer #5 - Set up,
manage, and terminate sessions or dialogues between devices, which take place
over logical links: the joining of two software applications.
OSI Layer #4 - Break
down the data from the higher layers into smaller parts (segments). Virtual
circuits are set up here, which are required before devices can communicate:
Flow Control, Windowing, Acknowledgements
OSI Layer #3 - Takes
segments from the Transport Layer and breaks them down into smaller units
called packets: determines the best path to take from one network to another.
Data Link
OSI Layer #2 - Chops
down packets into smaller units referred to as frames. Layer 2 switches work at
this layer and use the hardware or MAC addresses, so they can switch traffic
much faster because there is no need to check IP addresses and routing tables:
WAN protocols work at this layer, including HDLC, ISDN, and PPP. Ethernet also
works at this layer.
OSI Layer #1 - Frames
are converted into bits for placing on the wire. These bits consist of
electrical pulses which correspond to on and off pulses, or 1s and 0s in
binary: hubs work at this layer, and here is where you will find cable
specifications, such as RJ45.
Flow Control
If the receiving system
is being sent more information than it can process, it will ask the sending
system to stop for a short time. The packet sent telling the other device to
stop is known as a source quench message.
Each system agrees
upon how much data is to be sent before an acknowledgement is required. This
"window" opens and closes as data moves along in order to maintain a
constant flow.
When a certain amount
of segments is received, the fact that they all arrived safely and in the correct
order needs to be communicated to the sending system.
Three-way Handshake
Where you send packets
to establish the session. The first packet is called a synchronize (SYN)
packet. Then the remote device responds with a synchronize-acknowledgement packet
(SYN-ACK) packet. The session is established in the third phase when an
acknowledgement (ACK) packet is sent. That is all done via the TCP service.
Bottom-up Method
Starting from the
bottom-layer of the OSI model and working your way up to the top.
debug ip ftp
Debugs FTP traffic
copy flash tftp
Store a backup copy
with tftp
running config tftp
Back up your running
configuration file with tftp
debug tftp
Debugs TFTP traffic
The only utility that
can check all seven layers of the OSI model.
This protocol
specifically delivers messages inside IP packets. For instance, because pings
have a TTL (Time-To-Live field, they give a good indication of network latency
Command that provides
granularity by allowing you to specify source, quantity, and size you're
sending, as well as other parameters. Messages encapsulated in IP packets:
includes notations on Cisco devices such as !, ., U, N, P, Q, M, ?. Because
attacks with this protocol are common, this protocol is usually blocked on a
Follows the
destination IP packets by sending UDP packets with a small maximum TTL field,
and then listens for an ICMP time-exceeded message. As this protocol's packet
progresses, the records are displayed hop by hop. Each hop is measured three
times. An asterisk indicates that a hop has exceeded its time limit: includes
notations on Cisco devices such as ..., U, H, P, N, ?, Q.
Proxy ARP
Enables hosts on an
Ethernet network to communicate with hosts on other subnets or networks, even
though they have no knowledge of routing. Source and destination addresses
never change but in order for the packet to be passed to a next-hop address,
the MAC address (in the frame) changes between devices.
GARP (Gratuitous
Address Resolution Protocol)
An ARP request packet
where the source MAC, the source IP, and the destination IP addresses are all
set to the IP address of the machine issuing the packet, and the destination
MAC address is the broadcast address FFFF:FFFF:FFFF. Ordinarily, no reply
packet will occur. Has the objective of updating the Layer 2 CAM table
Straight-Through Cable
If each pin on one end
matches the other side (RJ45)
Rollover/Console Cable
(flat cable)
Reverse order of pins
on one side of a cable to the other side (RJ45).
Terminal Configuration
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
User Mode
The first mode you'll
be presented with when the Cisco device boots. Useful for basic Cisco device
commands, but is severely limited in which commands can be executed.
Privileged Mode
Useful for looking at
the entire configuration of the router, the statistics about how it is
performing, and even which modules you have connected to the Cisco device.
Global Configuration
Get into this with the
command config t. In this mode you can actually configure the Cisco device
Configuration Mode
Allows you to enter
commands for individual router interfaces, such as FastEthernet, Serial, etc.
show ip interface
Command that will
allow you to see which interfaces are available.
Line Configuration
You can control who
has access to the Cisco Device in this configuration mode, as well as assign
passwords, or enable a security feature called ACLs (Access Control Lists).
Router Configuration
In order to configure
a routing protocol onto the router so it can dynamically build a picture of the
network, you'll need to be in this mode.
VLAN Configuration
This mode actually
only applies to switches, but is used to configure VLANs (Virtual Local Area
Interface Notation
Consists of an
Interface type (Ethernet, FastEthernet, etc.) & an Interface slot/ module +
port number.
Basic Router Interface
Speed, Duplex, IP
Command that allows
you to configure a description to an interface (Interface Configuration Mode).
show version
Command that shows
useful information that might represent a starting point in verifying most of
the router operations.
show ip route
Command that provides
deep information regarding the routing capabilities of the device. Lists all
the networks the router can reach and information about the way they can be