Requires a classes routing protocol to work

 Requires a classes routing protocol to work

Network Address


·         An address that cannot be used for a host because it represents the network (host bits off).


Broadcast Address


·         An address that cannot be used for a host because it represents broadcasts (host bits on).


Class A (Private Address Range)


·         10.x.x.x


Class B (Private Address Range)


·         172.16.x.x - 172.31.x.x


Class C (Private Address Range)


·         192.168.x.x


Router Summarization


·         Requires a classes routing protocol to work, like RIPv2, EIGRP, or OSPF. Helps cut down on bandwidth, CPU, and memory requirements by summarizing the path to get to a network. An added benefit is that if a local network goes down, the summary network will still be advertised.


What is subnetting?


·         The act of dividing a network into smaller subnetworks, like cutting a pizza.



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