What is the default priority of a resource record

What is the default priority of a resource record

A full zone transfer can be referred to as a(n):


·         AXFR


Where are standard zones located on a Windows Server?


·         %systemroot%\system32\dns


Which PowerShell cmdlet below creates a stub zone?


·         Add-DnsServerStubZone


What is the default priority of a resource record?


·         0 (zero)


In a DNS record, what value tells the system how long the record should remain in the database after it was created or last updated?


·         TTL


The default scavenging value is set to what by default?


·         7 days


What automaticallly created subdomain holds all the SRV records for Microsoft-hosted services, such as the global catalog, LDAP, and Kerberos?


·         _msdcs


Select the record type below that is used to find the FQDN of an IP address:


·         PTR


What type of DNS record is used to indicated a responsible mail server for a given domain?


·         MX


What port is used for zone transfers between DNS servers?


·         TCP 53


The 13 DNS servers that keep a data base of addresses of other DNS servers managing top-level domain names are known as:


·         root servers


The ping command can do a reverse lookup query if what option is used?


·         -a


Select below the term for the revision number that increases each time data in a zone changes, whis is then used to determine when zone information should be replicated or transferred:


·         Serial number


The FQDN of a server that has authority over a domain is noted in what type of DNS record?


·         NS


What record type identifies the name server that's authoritative for the domain, and includes a variety of timers, dynamic update configuration, and zone transfer information?


·         SOA


Under what circumstances is a primary zone unable to be changed by a server?


·         When the zone exists on an RODC server


What type of zone contains only an SOA record, one or more NS records, and the necessary glue A records to resolve NS records?


·         Stub zone


How does DNS resolve an NS record to an IP address?


·         Using a glue A record


Select below the character that is used to separate the username from the domain name in a responsible person value:


·         . (period)


How is a Canonical Name (CNAME) record used?


·         It functions as an alias for another record that allows you to refer to the same resource with different names



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