When the processor executes a process it automatically converts

When the processor executes a process it automatically converts

Long-term scheduling


·         The decision to add to the pool of processes to be executed


Medium-term scheduling


·         The decision to add to the number of processes that are partially or fully in main memory


Short-term scheduling


·         The decision as to which available process will be executed by the processor


I/O scheduling


·         The decision as to which process's pending I/O request shall be handled by an available I/O device


Is it necessary for all of the pages of a process to be in main memory while the process is executing?


·         No, if virtual memory is used.


Must the pages of a process in main memory be contiguous?


·         No.


Is it necessary for the pages of a process in main memory to be in sequential order?


·         No.


The _________ is a program that manages the computer's resources, provides services for programmers, and schedules the execution of other programs.


·         operating system (OS)


Three key interfaces in a typical computer system are: instruction set architecture, application programming interface, and ___________.


·         application binary interface (ABI)


The __________ , or nucleus, contains the most frequently used functions in the OS.


·         kernel


In an _________ system the user/programmer interacts directly with the computer, usually through a keyboard/display terminal to request the execution of a job or to perform a transaction.


·         interactive


A _________ system groups the user's program with programs for other users and is submitted by a computer operator, with results being printed out for the user upon completion of the program.


·         batch


Early computer systems presented two main problems: setup time and _____.


·         scheduling


The portion of the monitor that must always be in main memory and available for execution is referred to as the __________..


·         resident monitor


The technique where memory is expanded to hold three, four, or more programs and switch among all of them is __________, (or multitasking).


·         multiprogramming


In a _________ system multiple users simultaneously access the system through terminals, with the OS interleaving the execution of each user program in a short burst or quantum of computation.


·         time-sharing


The five defined states for a process are: new, ready, waiting, halted, and ________.


·         running


Each process is represented in the OS by a ___________, which typically contains identifier, state, priority, program counter, memory pointers, context data, I/O status information, and accounting information.


·         process control block


Because a process executes only in main memory, that memory is referred to as __________.


·         real memory


__________ allows the programmer to view memory as consisting of multiple address spaces or segments.


·         Segmentation


When the processor executes a process it automatically converts from logical to physical address by adding the current starting location of the process, called its __________, to each logical address


·         base address


_________ paging means that each page of a process is brought in only when it is needed


·         Demand



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