Most employers interview an applicant

Most employers interview an applicant

Describe each of the three stages of a successful employment interview.


·         The warm-up. Interviewers will make important decisions about you based on their first impression. Sell yourself nonverbally. Offer a firm but gentle handshake; use the interviewer's name; smile. Let the interviewer begin the discussion.
(2) The question-and-answer stage: Let the interviewer lead the conversation. Try to tailor your answers to make a favorable impression. Be sure to ask questions of your own about the job and the company. Explain how you will be able to help the company meet its needs.
(3) The close: Pay attention to the interviewer's signals that the interview is coming to a close. Thank the interviewer and express your enthusiasm for the job and the organization


Which of the following would best support your ability to negotiate a starting salary?


·         market demand for your skill set


Many interviewers begin making a decision about the applicant


·         within the first 20 seconds of the interview.


The longest phase of a job interview is usually


·         the question-and-answer stage.


Most employers interview an applicant once before deciding whether to offer a person a job.


·         False


When terminating the job with a current employer, your letter of resignation


·         should include at least two weeks' notice.


In a working interview,


·         the candidate actually performs a job-related activity during the interview.


Use the model for direct messages when you write a


·         letter of acceptance.


During a behavioral interview, you'll be asked to


·         relate specific incidents or experiences from your past.


Which of the following would be the best opening sentence for a solicited application letter?


·         Based on your company's remarkable growth over the past three years, I can appreciate your need for highly qualified and experienced sales personnel."


Based on your company's remarkable growth over the past three years, I can appreciate your need for highly qualified and experienced sales personnel."


·         just as important as answering the employer's questions effectively.


Within two days after an employment interview, you should


·         follow up with a short note of thanks, using a tone that's positive while reinforcing why you are a good fit.


A recent survey of hiring professionals revealed that


·         answering mobile phone calls or texting in the middle of an interview is the most common mistake candidates make during their interviews.


During the selection stage of the interview processes, you should


·         relate your skills and experience to the organization's needs.


When a job interviewer indicates the interview is coming to a close, you should


·         prepare to leave but (if possible) try to pin down what will happen next.


If a job candidate receives a job offer while other interviews are still pending, how should he or she ask the employer for a time extension?


·         By being honest, it lets the company know they you are weighing your options. This isn't a bad thing. Most employers will give you the time, if not ask you who their competition is and generally ask that you notify them once you make your decision one way or another.


An employment interview is


·         a formal meeting during which you and the interviewer ask questions and exchange information.


The best salutation for an application letter is.


·         one that addresses a specific individual by name.


Your goal during the interview process should be


·         to find the right match for your goals and capabilities.


When you discuss salary requirements with a prospective employer, you should


·         let the interviewer raise the topic first.


When you're writing an application letter to accompany your résumé,


·         treat it with same care that you took with your résumé.


Unsolicited application letters to prospective employers


·         require more research than solicited letters.


You'll impress prospective employers with your application letter if you


·         show that you know something about the company and its marketplace.


When it comes to length, an application letter should


·         be short-no more than three paragraphs.


Because application letters are ________ messages, the AIDA approach is ideally suited for them.


·         persuasive


In the middle section of a job application letter, you should


·         present your strongest selling points in terms of their potential benefit to the organization.


The employer's goal in the initial screening interview is to


·         filter out applicants who are not a good fit for the position.


The second stage of interviews (following screening) is the ________ stage.


·         selection


Interviews in which the interviewer adapts his or her line of questioning based on the answers you give and any questions you ask are known as ________ interviews.


·         open-ended


Interviews in which job candidates are asked how they would respond to various hypothetical situations on the job are known as ________ interviews.


·         situational


When you're applying for jobs, assume that potential employers will search online to learn more about you.


·         True


When responding to questions during a job interview, you should


·         look for opportunities to frame your answers as brief stories rather than simple declarative answers.


Researching an organization before an interview


·         will show you understand the importance of investigation and analysis.


During the interview, a candidate should ask questions about


·         what the company is looking for in a new employee.


During the question-and-answer stage of an intervie


·         let the interviewer lead the conversation.


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