ACCT 212 Week 6 Discussion | Devry University

ACCT 212 Week 6 Discussion | Devry University

Week 6: Noncurrent Assets and Related Liabilities

Discuss Noncurrent Assets and Related Liabilities



Class, access the balance sheet of a publicly traded company, and list what items of assets are reported in the property, plant, and equipment section on the asset side. Select any one item from the property, plant, and equipment section, and discuss how you determine the cost of that item to be reported on the balance sheet.

Try to make your first post by Wednesday, and remember to reply to your classmate's posts!

Success Criteria

You'll earn full credit by:

  • Creating a post that follows the instructions.
  • Replying to two of your classmates' answers to the discussion question by the end of the week.
  • Participating at least once on 3 separate days.


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