ETHC 445 Week 7 Quiz | Devry University

ETHC 445 Week 7 Quiz | Devry University 

Question 1

The "Front Page of the Newspaper" model is an ethical theory based on Ayn Rand's "Objectivism".  

·         True    

·         False


 Question 2

It is through the use only of conscience that Ayn Rand determines what is right or wrong.  

·         True    

·         False


Question 3

According to Blanchard and Peale, all humans owe a duty to help each other when in need.  

·         True    

·         False


Question 4

According to our textbook author, moral responsibility is based on free will and knowledge of whether the the act is wrong or right.  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 5

According to Determinism, there is an objective reality one comes to know through one's conscience.  

·         True

·         False


Question 6

Blanchard and Peale present an analytical model for finding objective truth.  

·         True   

·         False



Question 7

The "Front Page of the Newspaper" model is an analytical process to help one resolve an ethical dilemma.  

·         True  

·         False


Question 8

According to "Hard Determinism" there is no "Free Will".  

·         True  

·         False


Question 9

"Determinism" leads to the ethical implication that one is not  morally responsible for one's actions.  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 10

According to our text book author,  even if one is forced to engage in a morally wrong act, that person is morally responsible for that act because of "free will".  

·         True    

·         False


Question 11

You are out for a walk one evening when you see a mugger accosting an elderly woman. According to the Front Page of the Newspaper ethical resolution model, you ought to  

·         envision how your contemplated act would be described to the general public by a news reporter 

·         consider if helping the woman is legal  

·         do what you are predetermined to do or not do  

·         consider whether it promotes win/win situations


 Question 12

You are out for a walk one evening when you see a mugger accosting an elderly woman. According to “Determinism” if you come to the aid of that elderly woman you    

·         you weighted the consequences of helping and not helping  

·         are exhibiting the Virtue of Courage    

·         helped because of causes external to you  

·         you were motivated by your conscience


Question 13

You are out for a walk one evening when you see a mugger accosting an elderly woman. According to which of the following ethical resolution models would you consider in part  how you would feel if your decision to help or not help that elderly woman were made known to the whole world?  

·         Blanchard and Peale  

·         Front Page of the newspaper   

·         All of these  

·         Laura Nash


 Question 14

According to the author of our textbook, you are NOT morally responsible  for your actions if  

·         lack mental capacity to know what is right to do  

·         All of these  

·         are forced to do the act  

·         you are unaware the act is wrong



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