BUS 318 Week 4 Quiz | Ashford university

BUS 318 Week 4 Quiz | Ashford university

Question 1

The Trait Approach to leadership study assumes that leaders are endowed with certain traits or qualities associated with their leadership status and success.  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 2

Managers play a crucial role in creating climates in which employees work. 

·         True  

·         False


 Question 3

The role of the “receiver” in the communication process is to encode an intended meaning into a message.  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 4

Implicit leadership theories are our beliefs or understanding about the attributes associated with leaders and leadership.  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 5

The Behavioral Leadership Approach to leadership study focuses on identifying categories of relevant leadership behavior and examining their effects on performance and other outcomes.  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 6

Good organizational behavior stems from communication, whereas bad organizational behavior stems from competition.  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 7

The key elements in the communication process include a source, who encodes an intended meaning into a message; a receiver, who decodes the message into a perceived meaning; and noise, which is any disruption in the transference of the message.  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 8

Static is the term used to describe any disturbance that influences the effectiveness of the communication process.  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 9

Communication channels are the pathways through which messages are communicated.  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 10

Early findings using the trait approach were very successful because researchers looked for significant correlations between traits and leadership outcomes instead of focusing on mediating variables.  

·         True  

·         False



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