ETHC 445 ETHC 445 Week 2 Quiz | Devry University

ETHC 445 ETHC 445  Week 2 Quiz  | Devry University

Question 1

"Moral relativism" is the belief that decisions about right or wrong are purely personal.  

·         True 

·         False


 Question 2

Aristotle bases his ethical approach for making ethical decisions on the use of and reliance on one's intuition.  

·         True

·         False


Question 3

Ethical study functions on three levels, one of which is meta ethics.    

·         True 

·         False


 Question 4

Virtue Ethics provides specific principles, such as to evaluate possible consequences,  to apply in making an ethical choice.  

·         True  

·         False


Question 5

A Virtue according to Aristotle is the mean between the excess and deficiency of a valued character trait such as "Courage".  

·         True  

·         False


 Question 6

Our textbook author believes that using feelings as a moral guide makes all behavior morally equivalent, Hitler's acts as being no better than Mother Theresa's. 

·         True  

·         False



Question 7

St Aquinas advocated that ethical behavior is that which    

·         is grounded in a belief in God and is consistent with Divine Commands  

·         according to one's conscience does not lead one to feel shame or guilt  

·         is consistent with or promotes "natural law". 

·         those acts which provide the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people


 Question 8

John comes upon a mugger stealing from an elderly woman.  John knows nothing about how to handle such a situation.  He is also smaller than the mugger.   The mugger also has a gun.  John is unarmed.   According to Virtue Ethics, which of the following would be the deficiency in exercising the Virtue of Courage? 

·         Running away without doing anything to help the woman  

·         Attack the mugger  

·         Call the police  

·         Buy a gun and shoot it out with the mugger


 Question 9

Which of the following is an ethical principle according to our textbook?  More than one of the statements may be correct.  Choose all that are correct.  

·         Doing what you feel is the right course of action    

·         Treating others as you would treat yourself  

·         Letting each individual decide what is right for oneself  

·         Doing that which benefits the greatest number of people


 Question 10

Which of the following is a  guideline for making ethical decisions recommended by our textbook author?  

·         Find out all relevant facts

·         All of these 

·         Be open minded  

·         Be aware of your first impression



Question 11

Which of the following statements describes Aristotle's Virtue  Ethics?  More than one answer may be correct.  Choose all of these that are correct. 

·         Is the MEAN between excess and deficiency  

·         Determines what is right by evaluating possible consequences   

·         That one needs God's help to be virtuous  

·         Views "Courage" as a desirable Virtue


 Question 12

St Augustine explained that humans are inclined by their nature toward evil.  

·         True 

·         False


 Question 13

One of the guidelines recommended by our textbook author to use in making ethical decisions is to trust and ultimately go with your feelings.  

·         True    

·         False


Question 14

St Aquinas taught that one needs to be of the Christian faith to come to finding and living according to God's "Natural Law".    

·         True  

·         False



Question 15

According to our textbook author, all choices that we make are ethical in nature.  

·         True  

·         False


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