ETHC 445 ETHC 445 Week 1 Discussion | Devry University

ETHC 445 ETHC 445  Week 1 Discussion | Devry University

Week 1: The Study of Ethics / Aristotle's Virtue Ethics

The study of Ethics brings many different kinds of "thinkers" together. One person's philosophy on ethics may be another person's philosophy on evil.  To begin our study of ethics, think about and respond to the following question. 


FIRST LEAD DISCUSSION QUESTION:   What is your understanding of ethics?  Please post in a threaded discussion format responding to a classmate's post.  


Ethics involves determining whether a choice we make or fail to make is right or wrong, good or bad. As a discipline, Ethics is the study of the choices people make regarding right and wrong. Textbook page 1 and 5. Ethics involves three levels, and is discussed by our textbook author on page 5.  Metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics.

The distinctive characteristic of an ethical choice pointed out by our textbook author is that not all choices we make are ethical in character. Rather, more than a choice, ethics involves choices where there is a value associated with that choice, a human value. Page 5.

Our textbook author promotes the study of ethics to find an objective, universal standard binding on all people regardless of personal preferences or desires. He views  “Moral Relativism” discussed by our textbook author on pages 1 through 3 as a threat.  “Moral Relativism” holding that decisions about right and wrong are personal and subjective, that what each individual decides is right or wrong ‘ is morally acceptable, at least for that person’.




This Week 1 we study how Aristotle attempts to answer the question of defining good and bad and how to achieve being a “good” person in his ethical theory known as “Virtue Ethics”. From your study this week of “Virtue Ethics”, each of you in this discussion group apply this ethical theory to the Job interview scenario. This scenario is posted in the FILES section of the course shell in the WEEK 1 Folder 

What would the "Virtuous" person do, tell on one's friend or not? Any other choice? Fully explain how this ethical theory leads a virtuous person to act as you decide.  Do view the videos and incorporate what you learn about Virtue Ethics into your post.



The Second Lead Discussion Question first called on your understanding of “Virtue Ethics." Then it calls on your analytical ability in applying it to decide what is the ethical, the “right” act/choice to perform in the Job Interview scenario.

You should identify the possible relevant virtues - honesty/truth, Justice/fairness, friendship/loyalty or any other virtue you consider relevant. Explain why relevant. Then in applying that virtue(s) you would find  the MEAN of the virtue ( Doctrine of the Mean / explaining excess and deficiency and how telling or not is either the excess, deficiency, or the mean - ie if the act in question, here telling on your friend to obtain a job, is not the MEAN then it is not the proper exercise of the virtue, the act would not be “right”).

Do not overlook whether there may be an alternative option ( applying the guidelines of Chapter 1 to consider options) to telling or not such as approaching your friend with this dilemma, or the university to obtain  input toward your decision.

Examples of finding the MEAN of a Virtue are given in the videos.  Do view them as you will be Quizzed on the concepts presented and I expect you to learn and  incorporate the material presented in your written assignments where relevant.



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