MKT 205 Week 1 Discussion | southern-new-hampshire-university

MKT 205 Week 1 Discussion | southern-new-hampshire-university

1-2 Discussion: Impact of Marketing


In your initial post, briefly introduce yourself to your peers. Along with your introduction, share your career goals, such as the type of company you hope to work for or the job role that you seek.

Next, consider the examples of "marketing gone wrong" that you read about in the module resources, and answer the following question: How can learning about the target market before making any marketing plans help to avoid these kinds of failures? Be as specific as possible.

Now, think about the marketing you have seen or heard for breakfast foods. Name a specific breakfast food you recently purchased and what it was about that product's marketing that drew you in. For example, was it the packaging, the health benefits, or even the price?

In your replies to at least two peers, comment on whether the marketing for the breakfast foods they selected appeals to you or not, and explain why.


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